Dancing in the Dark (smutish)

794 6 0

by Frustrated poet

smut only at the bottom!!

Remus was waiting at the international arrivals gate at JFK airport when he felt his phone buzz, he already knew who it would be before he even looked at the screen.


Do you have him yet?

Remus sighed and smiled fondly as he tapped out his reply.


I'm waiting at the gate, his flight just landed.


K, I'm not allowed my phone in rehearsal but text me x


Of course. U gonna eat with us?


Don't wait for me I'll eat with Lils or later x


Ok, but make sure you do eat!


Promise, xx



Passengers were coming out the gate just as he was putting his phone back in his pocket. He spotted his friend at the same time he was spotted and he pulled him into a strong embrace as soon as he was close enough, they both stayed that way for a long moment.

"It's good to see you." He said warmly as they pulled away grasping shoulders, drinking in the sight of each other..

"You too," Remus grabbed James' bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"It's been a long time, I'm glad you decided to come."

"There's nothing left for me in Cape Town. You and Sirius are the only family I have, now that mums gone. There's nowhere else I would want to be. Thanks for putting me up, I hope I'm not an inconvenience."

"James you're my brother, and as such, never an inconvenience. I can crash with Sirius, when I'm not working at the label, so you will have the place to yourself most of the time, but If you want me to keep you company of course I'll stay."

"No, I'm sure I can cope without you, but thanks for the offer." James added with a warm smile. "I can't believe my two best friends met, and got together without any help from me."

"You introduced us, when we were still in college, but yeah, it was Lily who gave us the nudge we needed really."


"Sirius' flatmate, they were at dance school together. She was on the tour tour?"

"I don't think I've met her, anytime I visited him at Ilvermorny I just met his weird roommate Pete, but anyway. How was your first tour? I thought music producers didn't travel with the artists."

"I'm only an assistant producer." Remus corrected, "Angel wanted to continue working on new songs while on tour, so I was given the task of helping. It was really good actually, I liked working with them. He's going back on tour, so it might be happening again soon. You sure you are okay with me leaving you on your own?"

"Hey, you know I like my own space. You are allowing me the breathing room I need to find who I am again." Remus gave his friend a sympathetic smile.

"Let's find ourselves an Uber."

They did not really speak again until they were sitting at the table in Remus' warehouse apartment. The remains of two giant pizzas, from James' old favourite place, sitting between them. Remus has known James wanted to talk but not while others could overhear, and now that dinner was out they way, he was ready to listen to his friend, and James was finally ready to talk.

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