Boys in Pubs

167 2 0

by SkinXLess

Petunia was at it again. Lily tried her best to stay in the living room, working on her homework for next term, but she couldn't focus because Tuney kept looking over and tutting disapprovingly. Every five seconds it seemed Petunia would let out another tut. Finally, Lily couldn't take it.

"I'm doing homework, Tuney." She said, exasperated. "I don't come distract you while you're working, do I?"

"There's nothing wrong with my work, though." Petunia said. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tail so high and tight that Lily was surprised it wasn't cutting off circulation to her head. "I suppose you're writing an essay on something ridiculous like whether or not the Wicked Witch of the West was innocent?"

"Would that be any different than the paper you wrote on Hamlet last term?" Lily pointed out, lowering her quill. She was pleased to see her sister's face scrunch up as she thought of what Lily had said. "They're both fictional, right? It would only be an analysis."

"You know what I meant," Petunia spat, clearly unhappy that her insult had backfired.

Lily looked down at her half finished essay. "Besides, I'm writing an essay on why muggles need electricity. It's for my Muggle Studies class."

Petunia's eyes lit up dangerously and she leapt to her feet. "Mum!" She called loudly disappearing from the room. "Mum, Lily called me a muggle again!"

Lily jumped to her feet too, scrambling to follow her sister. "I did not!" She yelled, socked feet slipping on the hardwood floor of the hall.

Petunia was already in the kitchen, pointing an accusatory finger out the door. "She did so! I asked her what she was writing and she said a muggle like me wouldn't understand!" Petunia scrunched her face up even more to appear as if she were crying.

Lily rushed into the room, looking at her mother pleadingly. Mrs. Evans was a tall thin woman with graying red hair. She placed a hand on Petunia's shoulder and turned to Lily. "We've talked about this, Lily. It upsets your sister when you call her that."

"But I didn't." Lily insisted. "I only told her I was writing an essay for my Muggle Studies class."

Petunia loudly sniffed, drawing their mother's attention again. "You hear that, Mum? She studies us like we're the freaks."

"Oh, that is rubbish," Lily said defensively. "She's just milking it now. I didn't do anything."

"You always take her side!" Petunia whined.

"Because I'm usually right!" Lily said.

Mrs. Evans cleared her throat. "That's enough, both of you. It's the holidays, why can't you both just get along?"

Lily wanted to point out that the summer holidays were nearly over, but she held her tongue. Instead she said, "I was only trying to do my homework. Tuney kept interrupting me."

"I was in the living room first." Petunia argued. "Lily came in there to bother me."

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Enough!" Mrs. Evans cried, her hands flying to her temples. She always got terrible headaches when Lily came home from Hogwarts due to all of the yelling. "Lily, can't you work in your room? That seems the easiest solution, as we've only got the one telly in the house."

No, Lily wanted to say, I will not work in another room. But she stormed out of the kitchen without a word. She bypassed the living room all together and grabbed her sweater by the door.

Her mother followed her worriedly. "Lily, where are you going?"

"I don't know. Out." Lily shoved one of her dad's old work boots onto her foot and then the other.

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