Baby On Board

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by wotcherpotter

Every muscle in Lily's body ached as if she had been on her feet for several days; in fact she had only been at work for a couple of hours. She was in the last year of her healer training, which made for busy days at work running around St Mungo's. In the three hours since she had arrived, already she'd seen a venomous tentacula bitten patient; a wizard with third degree burns from a blast-ended skrewt; a tickling jynx gone horribly wrong; and a young witch with a vanishing hand. On top of all that, she hadn't been able to eat anything for breakfast because she was feeling nauseous.

She stole a moment to catch her breath in the staff room, finding it empty as she walked in. She busied herself making tea, hoping it would settle her stomach. Lifting the mug to her mouth she went to take a sip but the smell was inducing another wave of nausea. She poured the entire mug down the sink, almost throwing it in her haste to get the smell away. She stood standing over the sink trying to summon the strength to get to one of the arm chairs to relax.

'Hey Lily,' said Gurinder, another of the trainees Lily worked with.

Lily gave her a tight-lipped smile, not confident she would be able to open her mouth without throwing up.

Gurinder didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary; though to be fair, she was out of the room before Lily could take a second look. That was the life of a healer at St Mungo's.

Lily's compact warmed up in the pocket of her scrubs. She pulled it out and saw her trainer, Ayumi, in the mirror.

'Evans - er, Potter, sorry still getting the hang of that. We need you on the Fifth Floor to help out with a poison emergency. Remember everything you can about belladonna on your way.'

The image of Ayumi disappeared from the mirror as quickly as it had come. Lily moved as swiftly as she dared to her own locker, digging around quickly for a vial of pain relieving solution she kept on her. She gulped it down, hoping it would work as quick as she needed it to.

Three days passed, and Lily woke up with that same nauseous feeling on her day off. She couldn't move without her stomach gurgling. James had prepared her some toast with jam before leaving for the ministry, but the sight of it made her run to the bathroom. She spent the entire morning laying flat on her back in an attempt to stave off the illness. She couldn't force herself to drink the solution that would heal the food poisoning she most likely had.

At some point her eyes grew too heavy to keep open and she fell asleep. When she woke again it was to the sound of the wireless on downstairs. The sun had been replaced by the pink skies of the early evening. She sat up, her head spinning. Footsteps walked across the upstairs landing. James peered around the bedroom door and with him came the smell of peppermint.

'Still poorly, I see?'

'Is it that obvious?' Lily said with a croak.

James kneeled on the floor beside her head. 'I brought you peppermint tea. Mum says it's supposed to help.'

'How is dear mother?'

'Busy with Christmas plans. She could barely fit me in on my way home.'

Lily smiled; she could imagine the chaos the Potter Manor would currently be in, having lived through it this time last year. James brushed the stray hairs on her forehead away before pressing a soft kiss. Lily brought the mug of tea to her mouth, daring to sip.

'James - I need to - look out.' Lily ran to the bathroom to stick her head in the toilet.

James was right behind her, holding her hair away from her face. He was rubbing soothing circles on her back and all Lily could think was how disgusting she must look.

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