Fate, Automobiles & Other Disasters

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by whimsicallydrifting

Objectively, Lily is quite certain there's no such thing as fate.

She's never bought into the whole astrology, Mercury Retrograde, 'all of life is planned out by some cosmic being' trip, no matter how many tarot readings Mary drags her to.

But she thinks there has to be something at work here. Because there is no way in hell she can be this unlucky.

The car, sleek and black and parked at a 90 degree angle, is in her spot.


Lily slams the door of the flower shop behind her as she takes the stairs that lead to the flat above the shop two at a time, her rage just about boiling over. Because this is the last straw.

She doesn't bother knocking on the arse's door, just shoves it open and stomps right in.

"Sirius Black!" she shouts and rams straight into someone.

There's a surprised shout as they both grapple for balance and Lily grabs onto the bloke's arm to keep him from falling over. Glaring furiously, she meets the gaze of—

Not Sirius.

The bloke—not Sirius—blinks at her. His black hair is sticking up in every direction and his glasses are settled a little crookedly on his nose. He's wearing a coat, even though it's June and the sun is shining in full force. And he's attractive. God, is he attractive.

Lily's mouth goes a bit dry and she stares at him. Then, because she is an idiot, she says, "You're not Sirius."

The bloke glances down at himself, then back at her. "Terribly sorry, but no." He flashes her a quick grin, so charming and at ease it hits her like a punch to the stomach. "May I help you, uh…?"

"Oh!" Lily shakes herself. "Lily. I'm Lily. I own the flower shop downstairs."

His brows raise. "Really?" She expects some quip about her name, irony of the gods etc. etc., but instead he just goes, "I love that shop. I've seen it coming through town for years, but I've never been in before."

This surprises Lily, because she and Mary have only been in business for three years, but she pushes it aside, along with her extremely ill-timed pulse fluttering whenever she looks at this bloke. "Thank you," she says, even though there's something kind of odd about this bloke. Something strangely familiar. She remembers her reason for coming in and a scowl settles back on her face. "Is Sirius here?"

"Not at the moment," the bloke says and takes in her expression. "Which I would say is probably good for him. What did he do this time?"

"It's…a long story," Lily says, then squints at him. Her skin prickles. "Hey, are you-"

"Evans!" The door slams and Sirius Black strides into the flat. He sneers at her. "What the fuck are you doing in my home?"

Lily's blood begins to boil and she narrows her eyes at him. "What I am doing," she hisses, "is preparing to sue you. You parked in my spot! Again."

"Chill, Evans," Sirius snorts, giving her a look. "There aren't assigned spots."

"Do I look like I give a fuck?" Lily snaps, taking a step closer. "I have been here for two whole years longer than you and I am not going to take this any longer—"

"It's convenient," Sirius snaps back and the bloke she ran into makes a protesting noise.

"Hey," he says. "You shouldn't park in her spot. She does have a point."

Sirius gives him a disgusted look. "Fucking knew you'd side with the bird," he spits. "James—"

It hits her like a train wreck and Lily makes an audible choking sound as she stares at James.

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