we could be gigantic

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by elanev91

Remus, on the whole, is not at all amused, but James can't bring himself to care as they pull off Pacific Coast Highway into a dirt carpark on the Oregon-California border.

They have a schedule to meet, especially if James is going to insist that they go "cactus hunting" tomorrow — he is — and so James at least tries to be quick about it as he drags Sirius out of the van and through the brush on the other side of the barrier between the path they're walking and the motorway.

It's worth risking his life, getting this picture for her. He misses her, so much, and this, this small gesture, is about what he can do to let her know just how much he's thinking about her.

He's said goodbye to her more times than he can count — when she left for uni, when he and the band went to Japan, when they went on tour, when he locked himself up in the studio in Liverpool and refused to surface for months. They kept saying goodbye, kept missing each other, and sometimes they were so close that he could almost taste it, but they were always just missing the mark.

But now, now, he's standing here next to this welcome sign, making a complete fool of himself beside the motorway, and all he can think about is her smile and bloody hell, he can't wait to be home.

To: James Potter (jpott .uk)

From: Lily Evans (le7 .uk)

Date: 3 October 2003 13:26

Subject: re: killin it in london yet evans?

Yeah, I miss home a little bit — alright, I miss it a lot. I know you knew I was lying, I dont know why I even bother trying with you. I could feel you looking at me in that way you do through the computer and I want you to know that I'm glaring at you.

I love London, don't get me wrong. I'm happy I'm here. I just… I don't know. I miss Liverpool. I miss 1£ pints. I miss you dragging me to Penny Lane every other week and having a cry (lmao). I have my own dirty river here, but it isn't the Mersey.

I don't know, it's weird, the things that I ended up missing. I even miss listening to you bang on about bloody football, and you know I don't care about that.

But okay, so SOAS. I've only been here the week (or ten days — whatever), but I swore I'd tell you everything, so here we are.

The talks on the first day were about what I expected (boring), but my department talk… god, James, you would have made fun of me. I was so excited. All the faculty are as impressive as I remember and my tutors all seem fucking brilliant.

I was kind of a recluse on Monday. Just went to all those intro talks about things like 'how to use the library' and 'how not to be broke by the start of second term' — it wasn't fun, but I promised Dad I'd be responsible and I know he worries. Can you actually pop round his in a week? Tell him I say hi and just check up on him? Now that I'm gone, I worry about him being all alone.

On Tuesday, I relaxed a bit more. I went to the information fair and (please don't make fun of me) a talk on living with flatmates without killing each other (and, oh my god, okay also a talk about how to study a language alongside my degree and I know that you're rolling your eyes at me because I'm already taking on so much but I can't help it okay), but I went to a pub quiz in the evening, so I balanced it out. I know that it's basically high treason to do a pub quiz without you, but I went. I'm glad I did because I made my first friend! I think we're friends, at least. We get lunch and go to the library together and we've exchanged mobile numbers, so I reckon we're friends. Her name is Dorcas Meadowes, she's as sarcastic as they come, she's basically fluent in Korean, and she's the fucking coolest. Her girlfriend Marlene is doing a course on engineering at King's and I met her on Friday because Dorcas and I didn't feel like going to the performance that they'd scheduled, and, of course, Marlene is as cool as Dorcas is. And then once the term properly started, I met a girl called Mary in my Comparative Politics mod. She's from Scotland and so we bonded a bit about life further north.

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