Day At the Beach

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done by MkaseyM

"James, I can't reach my back. Will you do it for me?" Lily asked, handing him the bottle of sunscreen.

It was a beautiful day at Sinclair's Bay, and the couple was having a lovely time relaxing together. The sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, and a slight breeze blew every once in a while keeping them nice and cool.

James smirked and nodded. "Sure, Carrot," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Lily froze and gave him a menacing glare as James began to laugh. She took the bottle out of his hands and squirted it on his face and shoulders. "Don't call me that!"

James had ceased laughing. Lily was trying and failing to hold back a cheeky smile.

"Lily!" James yelled. "Rub it in!"

Lily laughed. The white goop was running down James's cheek, shoulder, and chest.

"Rub it in! Quick!" he said again, trying not to get the stuff in his mouth. He shut his eyes, but reopened them to look at Lily who was not rubbing in the sunscreen like he had asked.

She cocked an eyebrow and folded her arms. "No," she said cheekily.

"Why not?"

"Because you didn't ask nicely."


Lily hesitated for a moment before giving in. "Oh, alright. Take your glasses off." He did so, and she began by rubbing in the sunscreen on his face. She had barely spread any of it in when James grabbed her arm and pulled her in close for a kiss. She pulled back rather quickly with a look of disgust on her face.

"What?" he asked.

"What sort of chapstick are you wearing?"

"I think it's cucumber flavoured."

"Cucumber?! You know I hate cucumber! Why did you wear that? It's disgusting!"

"I forgot," he said earnestly, a smile slowly making its way across his face.

"Well I'm not kissing you again until it wears off." Her smile was spreading much more quickly.

"But it's supposed to last all day!" James complained.

"Well too bad. You shouldn't have worn it."

James mumbled something unintelligible under his breath.

"What was that?" Lily asked.


She went back to spreading in the lotion on his face. When she got down to his chin, she got a smidge of it on the corner of his mouth. "Lily!" James whined. "Careful!"

"Sorry. At least I didn't get it in your hair," she muttered under her breath.


"No!" she laughed. "But I will if you keep squirming. Now cut it out!"

Once she had finished, she asked, "Is that better?"

"No." He smirked. "You've yet to do my arms."

Lily narrowed her eyes and parted her mouth slightly. She tossed the bottle at him. "Pig."

"Oh that's rich coming from the girl who married me!" He jumped up from his position on the sand and grabbed Lily, intending to throw her in the ocean. He ran down to the water with her in his arms as she kicked and screamed playfully the whole way.

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