The Local Library

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Done by jamespotterthefirst on

"Hot magazine bloke is back," Dorcas whispered to her over the stack of books she was mending.

Lily looked up from her computer screen almost at once, admonishing herself immediately after for the reaction. Luckily, he had not seen her, his attention entirely on the display of sports magazines by the reading area right across from their counter. He definitely was fit, his athletic build rightfully earning him his nickname.

"I think he's going to pretend to read while he gawks at you again," Dorcas continued in a tone that Lily deemed almost loud enough to reach him. It had not, to her immense relief, despite the library being almost desolate on that Saturday morning.

That didn't stop Lily from sending her friend a silencing glare which only resulted in Dorcas laughing quietly. "It's true," she insisted. "That's all he did the last time he was here. Besides, it's not like he needs the library for free materials. Why else would he be here?"

"Don't you start with that," Lily started passionately. "Everyone needs the library."

The blonde raised her hands in defeat. "Yes, I know, libraries are not obsolete in this day in age, blah blah blah," she said, catching Lily's unappreciative glare. Before Lily could continue with what promised to be an impassioned and long debate about the importance of literacy, Dorcas quickly added, "I just meant that I saw the car he drives last time he was here. Believe me, he could not only buy himself whatever magazine he wants, he could buy us an entire magazine collection."

"Don't be so exaggerated," Lily replied, returning her attention to the computer screen. "Maybe he just likes being here?"

Dorcas let out a knowing hum. "For the view?" she asked ironically, gesturing at the storefront high windows which depicted the bleak, gray city outside. "The interesting people?" She nodded at a pair of elderly ladies invested in cat mysteries in the reading area.

Dorcas looked over her shoulder as a precaution before sarcastically saying, "Or maybe he likes being accosted by Rachelle every time he's here?"

"She does not—"

"Oh, she does," the other said with a grim nod. "She even looked at his library card account for his name and phone number."

Lily's jaw dropped open. "She's not allowed to do that, is she?"

Dorcas shot her a significant look over her glasses. "Who's going to report her? She's been manager here for ages. I'm sure they'll believe her over us."

Lily did not reply, feeling oddly unsettled by the discussion of their horrible, privacy-violating boss.

After only seconds of returning to her work, she stole a glance at the magazine section, quickly scanning the area before Dorcas could catch her and triumphantly point it out. Her heart sank slightly when she saw no sign of him, a fact she would never admit out loud.

"He's moved on to the music section," Dorcas said after a clause of silence so long, that Lily jumped slightly at the sound.

"You don't need to narrate," Lily pointed out dryly. Her curiosity, however, betrayed her and before she could control it, she looked over at the aforementioned section several feet away. He was so tall that his untidy black hair easily stuck out from behind the CD shelves as he browsed.

Dorcas was swift to notice the amount of attention Lily was paying him. She laughed, this time loud enough to earn her a curious glance from him across the music section. She immediately sobered up and offered him a polite smile.

Lily, meanwhile, sat there frozen, face flaring up with heat and wishing to be swallowed whole by the floor. His eyes moved to her, but unlike with Dorcas, they remained there longer. She felt an almost paralyzing swoop in her stomach, unable to look away. He was smirking and the fact immobilized her even more.

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