Talshia wiped away her tears. She smiled at the nurse with a fake smile and made her way to the door. She walked passed the nurses’ station feeling judged from the LPN who cut her eyes at her. The LPN was brown skin complected with jet black boxed braids. She looked a bit familiar, but she couldn’t place her face once she looked up from her computer in her direction. Talshia smacked her teeth at the LPN. Raymond picked up Farea’ and followed right Talisha’s lead without saying another word to the nurse Katey Ann. Raymond followed her lead pass the nurses station and locked eyes with his baby mama’s lil’ sister. Who was the LPN.

The LPN stood behind her computer and flaunted her waist length box braids. She just had to end the night with a special closing appearance for Raymond. 

“Look at my niece!” she said with joy as Raymond tried to ignore her petty comment. 

Farea’ smiled big with a sleepy daze in her eyes. Raymond turned around still holding his daughter and said, “Not tonight lil’ sister. I’m going to keep it professional in here ‘cause I know what you already about.”

The LPN name was Stacy. She walked from behind her desk and made her way into the hall way away from the station. Her co-workers smiled knowing that Stacy was known for her phony ways in the hospital. She was a very hard core street chick. She couldn’t shake her persona in the work place and all her co-workers knew it too. Raymond and her never saw eye to eye, but she knew he had a thing for her. They had sex a few times before her sister, Salen announced that she was two months pregnant with her niece. During that time, the love affair that they kept behind close doors was on the edge. She had threatened him to leave her sister numerous of occasions. Raymond had no clue how many times she talked to her sister about getting an abortion, because she wanted her sister to do better. When Raymond was “better”. Raymond gave her big sister the life that she longed for. Her sister, Salen was the first for everything in their immediate family. She was the daughter that their mother admired the most out of her four children. She was the first to graduate from high school, the first to go to college, and the first to find a man who loved her. Stacy envied her sister, but loved the woman that she grew to be. Raymond came into her sister’s life with the intentions of being her husband and the father of her child. Stacy had to step in and bring hell to her sister’s ghetto Uptown fairy tale life story. 

Raymond was worried about Talisha’s feelings. Talisha turned around before stepping onto the elevator to leave. Her mind was already shattered. She had no where to lay her head for the night. She no longer had her personal belongings or any more clothes to where. The house that her sister own and where she once called their home had become crime a scene. She turned back around to see where was Raymond and Farea’. She walked back towards the nurse’s station. Raymond stood in the LPN’s face with an expression that explained enough to Talisha. 

Stacy placed her hands on her wide hips that her lavender scrub complimented nicely. Talisha didn’t give a damn if she was about to get extra in the hospital or not. Things where about to get sour, real quick!

“You think you are going to have me lookin’ like some type of fool tonight in this hospital Raymond, then you are sadly mistaken baaaaby. I don’t know and don’t give a damn who this chick is that you call yourself having a life time conversation with, but tonight is not the night!”

Raymond stared at Talisha with a confused and sarcastic look. Stacy opened her mouth before Raymond could find the words to say and said with a spicy attuide right back, “I can easily have you escorted off of this floor and out of this hospital, so please don’t pressure me love. If Raymond hasn’t told you about me then I will. I am Salen’s lil’ sister. If he hasn’t told you about her, which he probably hasn’t found the time to, well that’s his baby mama and ex. fiancé  

Farea’ wanted to go home and wanted to sleep. She pulled on her daddy’s dreads to leave, because she never wanted to see her step-mama Talisha get upset. 

Talisha looked at Stacy’s co-workers behind the nurses’ station and back at her. “I bet all your co-workers would love to see me whoop yo’ ass and hand it to them on a clip board. You better thank God that I’m pregnant ‘cause I really don’t have mercy fo’ no bitch talkin’ to me like you running shit up in here.” 

Stacy looked at Raymond surprised and back at her co-workers, who acted as if they didn’t here a word Talisha said. 

“So just because you pregnant for my brother-in-law, I am sapose to feel like you don’t pose a threat. You are pregnant for the same man, who tasted everything I have to offer, but my cooking.” She laughed and shooked her head back and forth as she walked back behind her desk. 

“Stacy you real petty. You are real petty.” Raymond shot back as he walked past the nurses station with his daughter. 

Talisha followed him and said, “Don’t you speak to me or visit my sister until you can keep your lies in order.” 

Cheating On A Cheater 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora