Chapter 39

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A/N- Things gettin' spicyyyy 👀👀. Not the kind of dirty spicy y'all want though lmfao.


Noah's POV-

When I saw Kyle begin to tremble I knew it was that bitch.

The bitch who raped him.

"Kyle it's me. Remember me? Is it true you're gay now? That's such a shame..."

She said trying to walk over to him.

"Oh hellllll no, back the fuck up you whoville lookin' bitch. You want-everyone-man but can't hold one down faceass whore." I spat at her moving in front of Kyle, shielding him from the girl who thought it was even near okay to go close to him.

"You must be the boyfriend. Me and Kyle go way back but trust me, we cut any of those ties a while ago." She said putting on a fake smile unknowing I already knew the truth.

"Okay so keep those ties cut dumbass, I already know what happened. He doesn't wanna speak to your stinky ass. Back. The. Fuck. Up. Before. I. Lose. My. Temper."

I tried my best to keep calm not wanting to startle Kyle even more. I moved to his side, not trusting this bitch to not attack me from behind, and grabbed his face.

"Hey hey, baby look at me. Look at me my love," I said in a hushed voice unlike Kyle brought his eyes to look into mine, "that skank isn't gonna touch you. Not while I'm here, okay sweetheart?"

"Who the hell are you calling a skank!" I heard her screech but I kept my focus on Kyle who obviously needed my help slowing his breathing.

He nodded at my words, beginning to shake a little less.

"Now listen to me love. Breathe in for five seconds, hold for six, breathe out for five. Repeat that 5 times and when you're finished count down from 100 while I deal with this bitch, okay amore?"

Kyle gave me another shaky nod and began to do what I instructed. I took out my air pods and plugged them in his ears so he wouldn't have to listen to this girls disgusting words and turned on one of my calming playlists.

After seeing he was beginning to focus more on himself and not the bitch in the room, I stood up and turned to her after ignoring all her screams and yells.

"Now listen here and listen good," I said to girl picking up my ice cream bowl, wondering why the hell the employees haven't stopped this already,

"I don't give a shit what you thought he wanted and what your motives were. You did what you did and you should regret it. Lay a motherfucking finger on him and see what happens. If you think I won't hit you if you try what you did again, you're wrong."

"That's against the law!" She protested as if she didn't rape somebody.

"I don't give a frank fuck and obviously you don't care about the law that much either since you enjoy raping people," I said, my words laced with anger,

"Go ahead and fucking touch him. I dare you. Not only will I beat the shit out of you, the whole entire school- no maybe even the town, will be on your ass."

I took a quick glance around to see that the workers are just enjoying the show and it honestly kinda made me grateful that they didn't interfere. I want this bitch to realize what she's done and that she's going to pay for it.

"The whole gender stereotype that applies to rape is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. The word 'no' was said multiple times and you were even pleaded to stop," I stepped closer to her,

"I don't know what weird kink you have but it's not fucking attractive at all. You can think that when I'm at my house or not with Kyle you can finally take your chance but I will make sure at all times that when I'm not able to be around him- Josh will. When Josh can't- I will."

I stepped close enough to where her head was right in front of my chest and lowered my face to her faces level.

"Stay the flying fuck away from him."

I dumped the ice cream onto her head, a waste yes but action needed to be taken,

"And just so you know. I'm not afraid to hit a piece of shit like you. Female or not."

I backed up and felt a slap to my face. She looked up at me with teary eyes, red cheeks and an embarrassed look.

"You'll fucking regret this!" She yelled at me and I don't know what kind of drama TV show she thought she was in but she's messing with the wrong person.

"Bitch did you just-" I raised my arms to push her ass to the ground only to be held back by Kyle. I looked up to see his breathing finally calm, and his beautiful green eyes surrounded by red.

"She isn't worth the charges gorgeous."

He whispered in my ear, slipping his arms around my waist probably using my scent to calm himself.

I glared at her and flipped her off.

"Fuck off before he isn't able to hold me back anymore." I told her.

She took the bowl off her head and threw it at me but missing by far, like what the fuck was that throw, and running off. The glass shattered and then the employees started to get back to work, starting off by cleaning the broken glass.

I turned myself around and squeezed Kyle tight while glancing at all of the workers around me and flipping them off too for not helping when a literal bowl got thrown at my head.

"Thank you Noah." Kyle barely just whispered.

"Let's head to your place my love." I whispered back receiving a slow nod from the man who, if ever asked, I would give the world and then some.

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