Chapter 14

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Noah's POV-

The two of them looked at me with confusion.

"Something of...the sort..?" Kyle tilted his head in this confused puppy dog manner and I almost cracked a smile at it.

Except, my cheeks were red from embarrassment since the whole football team suddenly appeared and was laughing at me.

When did they even get here.. did they teleport?

"Oh screw off you 8 foot beanstalks! Don't you guys have cheerleaders or something to hit on."

The laughter just rose with the heat of my face.

These damn fools, I hope they all fail math class. Probably already are... idiots.

"Come on guys, lay off of him before I make you guys do suicide runs."

And suddenly, the laughter stopped. I don't know what the hell a suicide run is but I am incredibly grateful.

I have an idea.. Not a very nice idea but that's besides the point.

"Kyle come here." I motioned for him the come down to my height.

He looked confused but did what I said anyway. I watched the color of the teams face leave, obviously scared of what I was gonna tell their captain.

Once I was done whispering Kyle returned to his full height with a sinister smile that matched mine.

Slowly turning around to his team, just to be dramatic.

"Alright team, looks like if I make you guys join the cheer team in their stretches after school I get a kiss."

They all look like they're on the verge tears and call me a sadist if you want but... I would kiss Kyle thousands of times if this is what I got out of it.

"Now I know what you guys are thinking. Am I gonna really make my teammates, my friends, my brothers suffer so I can get a kiss?"

The teams eyes lit up with hope.

"Yes. 100%. Absolutely. No doubt about it."

And the hope disappeared.

I busted out laughing and I felt tears come to my eyes from laughing so hard. The whole team looked at me like they wanted to murder me but I could care less.

But then Joshua, that stupid idiot, looked like he had an idea too.

"Okay we'll do it-"

The team looked at him like they were ready to jump him,

"-if you kiss him in front of us." he a dumbass..

"Okay." I said shrugging.

"Really?!" That poor idiot looked shocked.

"Yeah I mean it's just a kiss."

So I went on my tip toes, ignoring the fact we're still in school because I might as well just skip the rest of the day we've been out here for so long, and kissed him.

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