Chapter 9

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A/N- PLEASEEE try to remember I have 0 experience being sent to a counselor for sexual orientation and I am using knowledge from research and old references. Other than that - please enjoy!

Noah's pov-

All night I tossed and turned, his stupid face running through my mind. I don't even understand why I was thinking about him as if he was important to me.
As if I was interested in him.

I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome me. It wasn't exactly working. I sighed and sat up straight.

I remember the last time I was this into a guy...

*This may be a trigger to anyone who has been sent too counseling for their sexual orentation*


I sat down in the red chair, looking around the room taking in the scenery. It had many paintings and a small desk to the left side of the room. A tall, thin woman walked into the room with a clipboard.

"Noah Blake," she read aloud, "13 years of age, parents are divorced, and you're currently in the care of your father who, I'm assuming, sent you here correct?" She read my information like she had rehearsed it.

I just stared at her, waiting a few seconds before meekly nodding. I watch her take in all my features, studying, observing.
"So Kyle, tell me about Jack."

I mentally cringed at the way she said his name. The disgust that laced with it. It just didn't sit right with me.

I wanted to tell her to buzz off, about how important he was too me. About how he meant everything too me.
But I controlled my emotions.

"He's one of my classmates," I told her with a poker face, "He's pretty cool and helps me when I struggle with school."

"Have you guys ever met up or hung out after school?"

That's none of your concern.

"Yes, we have soccer practice, band, and sometimes I go over to his house to spend the night or study."

She scribbled something on the paper on her clipboard, and then looked back up at me.

"What goes on during those sleepovers?"

"Just the usual, playing video games or soccer outside."

"Are you guys close?"

I mentally scowled, Obviously you idiot.

"Yeah, he's my bestfriend."

Her cold green eyes pierced into mine, probably trying to detect any lies.

"Anything more than that?"

I hesitated, every bone in my body yearned to scream at her that we were each others world. But I couldn't so I just stared.

"Noah?" Her voice croaked out and it sounded impatient.

I looked over at the clock, 20 minutes left.

Looking back at her, I answered her question,

"No, nothing more than that."

She scribbled down some more stuff.
"Are you sure nothing more than that?"

Are you sure you're not deaf or just plain dumb.

"No." I responded in a monotone voice.

"Kyle, is your family Christian?"

I nodded
"So I presume that you're taught that whatever this is with Jack is sin."

My poker face almost broke, I looked down at the ring on her left finger. I looked back up and met her eyes.

"Miss, we're just bestfriends. I have never been romantically interested in Jack," the lie slipped off my tongue easily. it isn't the first time I've said this, "So please stop making this a bigger deal than it is."

This lady should be on National Geographic, not here judging kids.

Actually I think I saw her big ass swing across the TV last night-

"Excuse me young man?"

I looked her up and down, acting bored,

"And, correct me if I'm wrong, affairs are a sin as well last time I checked."

I watched her cheeks lose their color, and her eyebrows furrow in anger. I thought she was going to scream at me, tell me to get out of her office. I guess that would've made me feel better than the words that came out her mouth.

"Shut up, faggot."

************Flashback over*************

I couldn't breathe. It felt as if I was suffocating. My whole overalbody trembled, I lifted my shaky hands to try and scratch at my throat - praying that it would find a way to help my lungs.

Tears spilled from my eyes like waterfalls, my knees pulled up to my chest and any sudden movement, even the smallest ones, would make me jump.
She's coming for me.

The words repeated in my head like a chant.

"Please forgive my sins, I am so sorry Jesus." I muttered a prayer under my breathe.

I saw my door creak open, my mom rushed in. Everything became dizzy. I heard a ringing noise in my right ear.

"Kyle!" Her voice sounded desperate.
The sound of it though soon became fainter as my eyes began to close.

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