Chapter 8

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Noah's POV-

I hopped into my moms white jeep, my hair all messed up. She seemed to notice I didn't want to talk because the ride to her house was silent, only glances were stolen.

We arrived at her house about 15 minutes later. I looked at the white house, I smiled softly.

I got out the jeep and walked up to the door and opened it.

"Home sweet home.." I breathed out.

This was my safe place. Joy and relief spread through me. Here I knew no matter I did, I would always have a place to go.

I said down on the couch with my mom already joined me on. I turned on the TV, flicking through channels until I heard my moms soft voice.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked.

I didn't take my eyes off the TV screen

"Same as always. Being judgmental and what-not. I won't have him sit there and bash my bestfriend mom, you know this more than anyone does."

My mom just stared at me, her eyes flamed with curiosity and I knew she wanted me to continue, so I shut off the TV and did just that;

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with Jermey for being bisexual and having gay parents. He isn't mentally ill, he doesn't have disease, he's just Jermey. The idiot who broke his arm after jumping off a tree, or who jumped into a freezing cold river and we both got sick because I had to fish him out,"

I smiled a bit at the fond memories I shared with my bestfriend. I took a large sigh and looked my mom in the eyes.

"Jeremy has been, and will always be my bestfriend. Even if it means getting in arguments with dad everyday."

My mom seemed to be having a battle with herself, and having a few seconds she seemed to have come to terms with her decision.

"Even if that means destroying your relationship with your father?"

I gave my mother a sad smile;

"Mom, that's been destroyed since the moment you left."


After that talk my mom seemed to be somewhat distant. She made dinner, but was called into work soon as we were ready to eat.

I crawled into my bed, picking up my phone to look at the time.

It read, 9:57pm.

It was still early, I put the phone down and closed my eyes. Thoughts raced through my head like a marathon. I closed my eyes, praying to remember what happened that night. Nothing came back to me, but I guess some things are left better forgotten.

I soon got lost in my thoughts. But the thoughts I was thinking scared me. They aren't about my mom or dad, or Jermey. No, the only person on my mind was

Kyle fucking Reed.

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