Chapter 16

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Noah's POV-

As students flooded the halls, I looked up at Luke and the rest of the football team with my jaw dropped.

"How much time I freaking spend with you guys?! 45 whole minutes? I can barely stand to be with my mom for that freaking long!"

Apparently the team found this amusing and started laughing. I was still freaking out because if they called my dad I'm dead meat.

"Stop laughing you damned idiots!"

Some of the people passing by us glanced to see whether I would be getting beat up or not for my mouth, but this just made them laugh even harder. My cheeks started to redden until I remembered a little prank me and Kyle were pulling on the team.

"I wouldn't laugh if I were you, my cheerleaders. I can't wait to see you guys attempt splits. It'll surely be one of the most memorable days of this whole year."

My cheeks cooled down as I put an innocent look on my face.

"'re evil!" Joshua said with a look of horror that matched the rest of the teams faces.

"Who? Me? Oh no, I'm just a little harmless innocent nerd! " I said.

For a second I forgot Kyle was there until I heard his laughing. And when I say laughing, the man was cackling. It looked like tears sprung to his eyes from the pain in his sides from laughing so hard.

"It's not funny man! You did this to us for a kiss?! Any of us could give you a freakin' kiss!" Sam, (I think that's his name), yelled.

Many agreements were shouted from the team and all of a sudden the laughter stopped and Kyle stood up straight with a disgusting look on his face. His lip curled to the left, his nose scrunched and eyebrows furrowed.

"Wh-what.." The same guy said.

"I would rather die than receive a kiss from you lot. Disgusting. Filthy creatures. Who knows how many girls you've stuck it in." He added a fake gag at the end.

It was silent for a second until I started laughing. Everyone looked at me while I laughed until it processed in the teams brains what their captain had said. Then the whole team was upset and shouting things like,

"Hey, it's only Josh who sticks it in any girl who walks!"

A bunch of "Yeah!"s followed by that and I think even Josh said yeah. And then he realized who they were talking about.

Then it was,


I covered up my mouth and let out a few more laughs when I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out my pocket to see it was my dad.

I should have them shut up.. They'd just say inappropriate stuff if I let them talk.
An idea popped in my head.

"Hey, if you guys shut up and let me take this phone call without making a single noise, you guys are free from cheerleading practice! Deal?"

I heard a couple of "Deal"s from the crowd and picked up the phone call.


"Where in God's name are you! Are you partying or something because you're taking 700 fucking years just to get home" I let out a sigh.

"I'm here with the football team Dad, and I'm gonna stay at Mom's for a couple of days."

"Did I say you could stay at her-'

I hung up before he could yell at me about wanting to stay at my Mom's house. He's the reason I left in the first place. I turned back to the team and saw some of them holding their breath.

These idiots might just be fun.

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