Chapter 6

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Noah's POV-

My mom almost immediately picked up the phone. Her concerned voice rang in my ears.

"Andrew baby? Are you okay?"

I sniffled, smiling a little at the fact my mom cared so much. My dad really lost a good one. Anyone would kill to have had a chance with my mom and yet he gave her up anyway. All for some one night stand.

"Can you pick me up mom? Me and dad went at it again."

I could hear her sigh, "Was he being a homophobic jackass again?"

I nodded even though she couldn't see me and replied, with a shaky voice, yes.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes at latest, me and your father will have a talk about this. Jesus I'm so tired of his shit..." She mumbled the last part which I'm assuming I wasn't suppose to hear.

"Alright mom, love you."

"Love you too." The wonderful woman in my life replied and quickly hung up.

My mom is funny, smart, gorgeous, and definitely won't let any man control her.

She was the highschool's head cheerleader, kind and loving.
Her and Kyle's parents actually were very close.

Well dad is a different story. Being the quarterback of the schools football team and the most wanted guy in the whole highschool definitely gives you a sense of cockiness.

Homophobic, player, ruthless, and an absolute asshole.

Mom wasn't an easy one for him to win over, but when he did I guess he thought treating her like a princess for awhile would make her forget that she's a queen.

They argued a lot, my mom believed in equal rights and that money, race, and sexuality made nobody any different than she was. She was strong minded and stood by her beliefs.

My dad didn't always agree so much. He thought of poor people as insects, LGBTQ+ as faggots with 'diseases'

My mom was finally sick of his bull when she caught him in a one night stand. She always radiated royal energy, but she was one of hell of a queen when she slammed the divorce papers in front of him. When I tell you how fast his jaw dropped and his eyes watered.

I admire my mom more than anything. She knows her worth. She knows her mark, what and who she is. Her confidence always shines and she attracts men's and women's eyes wherever she goes without even trying.

She is currently single but when she gets someone I'm gonna be happy for her.
Yes, mom deserves someone who not just treat her like some princess, but as if she were Aphrodite. I smiled as a bit of an inner nerd part of me came out, like how Percy loves Annabeth or maybe how Harry loves Ginny.

A/N- Anyhow, thanks for reading loves! Till next time :) <3

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