Chapter 31

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Noah's POV-

My heart sank at Kyle's story and shattered into a million pieces. How could someone do that to somebody? Why? What did she gain from this? I teared up while holding him.

"You are so fucking strong Kyle. So undeniably strong."

I'll fucking kill this bitch. Since this bitch thinks it's cute to rape she's gonna think it's real adorable when I murder her ass.

I'm sure I won't look that bad in prison clothes. Or maybe I can get away with it if I'm smart.

"I just..." He choked out, "I don't understand what she gained from all this. I can't sleep at night half the time without remembering what she did. What she took from me."

Sobs escaped from his lips and all I could do was hold him as he cried. I felt so mad. Mad at myself for not being able to do anything for him. Mad at the girl for doing this to him. Mad at the fucking Heavens for letting this happen. I rubbed his back and just let him get it all out. If I was the only other person than Josh who knew about this, this must've been haunting him for awhile. The pain must've been eating him alive. Every. Fucking. Night.

I squeezed Kyle as tightly as I could, hoping that in some way I could piece him back together. The world has been so cruel to someone so damn precious. Someone so caring. Cocky at times, but nonetheless loving. It hurt me. It hurt me so much.

"Kyle, just know I am only ever one phone call away if you need me okay?" I whisper.

He lifted his face and my heart sunk seeing his red, puffy eyes. I think he noticed how heartbroken I felt looking at him because he tried to make a joke of,

"Do I still look cute?" with a humorless chuckle.

I looked at my phone and saw it was 12pm already, his parents would be home around 6. It's only Saturday so if he wanted I could probably stay the night again of course after texting mom and asking..

I drew my attention back to Kyle, "Your parents will be home in about 6 hours. If you wanna cry for 6 hours we can do that, but if you want we can get some fresh air and go to the park down the road."

"Do you have to go home tonight?" He looked at me with these big sad puppy eyes and I swear to God my heart stopped for a second.

"Not if a needy baby doesn't want me too." I teased him even though I secretly didn't want to leave either.

Kyle pulled me close, putting his head on my shoulder and saying a muffled 'Stay.', and that's all it really took for me to shoot my mom a text I'll be out tonight with a friend and home tomorrow.

"Wanna go to the park now love? Or do you wanna stay inside all day? Either option is fine by me."

"The latter pleaseee."

I rolled my eyes, chuckling, but accepting his request nonetheless. If he wanted to stay inside, staying inside is what we'll do.


I heard a grunt which is I'm assuming is of approval so I turned on my favorite Disney movie. We made some popcorn and cuddled up on the couch.
Bliss. Literal. Bliss.

Was all I could think while having him in my arms.

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