Chapter 25

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Kyle's POV (different right)-

Holding Noah was one of the most beautiful experiences I think I've ever been through. I don't mind not having a label right now. As long as his eyes are on me only, there's no point in forcing him to be in something he's not ready for. We can be Kyle and Noah until he's ready for something more.

He's definitely worth the risk, I thought to myself, I may be selfish for forcing this love upon him and for greedily taking every bit of love he lets show but I can't help it.

My arms began to feel cold when Noah slipped out of them. I can him a confused look but I soon got distracted by the redness surrounding his eyes and how puffy his eyelids were. Even his button nose was a bit red.

Poor baby...

I felt my heart pang. Someone who is so talented, intelligent, adored by so many people, looks down on themselves more than anyone else. Someone who can affect my mood with just one sentence thinks so little of themself.

"I'm sorry-"

"You know," I interrupted his 700th apology,

"for someone who makes the best grades in our school and is so damn smart, you sure are stupid."

"Are you trying to pick a goddamn fight you tall ass jungle tree." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"It's just.. you are so amazing in so many different ways and yet you think so little of yourself. You're one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, you're smart, and funny, and definitely way too sarcastic but you always find a way to lighten the mood. How can someone so fan-fucking-tastic, hell perfect, feel so inferior to every person they meet."

I felt like a weight was lifted on my shoulders when I told Noah how I felt. I don't know what came over me but I just felt so frustrated about how he doesn't recognize how great of a person he is.

I expected him to cry again because that's all he's done like all fucking night but he started..laughing?

"Holy SHIT, I needed that tonight! It's so sweet that you think that highly of me,"

I blushed as this asswipe teased me,

"but when you're raised being compared to everyone else it rubs off on you and soon you compare yourself to everyone too."

Dammit, if I looked good enough in orange I would murder his dad but unfortunately prison suits do not go good with me.

I cupped his cheek and gently turned his head my direction.

I may not kill his dad, but I can try to erase his fathers words from his memory or at least fade them away to a point he won't believe them.

"If it makes you feel any better,"

my eyes and voice softened,

"to me you're flawless."

Absolutely flawless...

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