Chapter 10

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Noah's POV-

I woke up with my heart still racing. I turned to take in my surroundings, suddenly remembering I was at my moms house. I picked up my phone to check the time and saw I never put it on charge.

Dammit, I thought, at least it was turned off and I still have 87% left.

Its not even 7-fucking-am yet too.

I got out of bed and looked in the mirror to see what a mess I was. My hair was flopped, it looked like I had mop for hair, my eyes had the most disgusting bags under them, and honestly?

I don't think I had the energy to give a damn.

I let out a sigh and got ready to take a shower, hoping that'll wake both my mind and my body up. I turned on the water and quickly got undressed. I stepped in the shower and..hopped right back out.

I mentally scolded myself for not giving the damn thing any time to heat up. After waiting five good minutes though I got back in and yes, it was warm that time.

After taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I tied the towel around my waist.
I got dressed with my Ravenclaw sweater and black jeans. Obviously putting a shirt on before the sweater though. And yes, I had underwear on.

I checked the time again to see it was 6:45, I had to be at school by 7:10.

Grabbing my phone, I quickly rushed down and grabbed a banana. Looking around and heard the soft snores of my mom, I quietly slipped out the front door and began walking.

I breathed in the fresh air, enjoying the outdoors. Though, my happiness soon came to an end when I smelled a strong lemon smell. I groaned in annoyance as Kyle pulled up next to me in his shiny black car.

"Do you need something Mr. Reed?"

"Isn't it a beautiful morning Noah?" He had a goofy smile on his face.

"Yes, I was actually enjoying it before you showed up." I sped up my steps eager to get him away from me.

He sped up the car a little,

"Need a ride?"

I exhaled an annoyed breath, I stopped in my tracks,


He stopped the car, "Yeah?"

I turned to face him. His green eyes bubbled with curiosity. I snapped myself back to reality.

"I would rather die."

And just like that I kept on walking!

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