Chapter 19

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Noah's POV-

"Noah?" I snapped out my thoughts to see Kyle looking at me with concerned eyes, "Are you coming?"

I'm zoning out a lot today I need to get my act together and keep my guard up.
Putting on a tight smile I nodded my head and followed him up to his room.

When we got there I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My palms still stung a bit from when I was digging my nails into them. I can't help but feel below everyone. They always look at me with eyes that send a message saying,

"I'm sorry."

Sorry for what? My dad is an asshole so what, whose isn't? Kyle cleared his throat, which I'm assuming was to grab my attention, and it did. I looked up to meet his green eyes and I think if I stared for a second longer I just might've gotten lost in them.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry." I glared down to my feet.

If one more person apologizes to me about my dad being the way he is I'm gonna go on a killing spree.

"My parents can be a handful and ask way too personal questions. You probably didn't wanna come up to my room but I figured it was better than being interviewed downstairs so uh, yeah." At the end of his ramble he offered a small smile.

"Wait.. you're not feeling bad for me because of my dad? But because of your parents?" I looked up to meet his eyes again and I saw his ears turn pink.

"Well uhm, when I did apologize about your dad you seemed kinda pissed and then I sorta realized everyone pities you because of him so it probably just makes you feel out of place? I know I'm over-reading this and you probably feel like I'm being creepy but-"

"Thank you," I cut him off, (interrupting him is becoming a habit), "I would much rather you not look down on me or feel bad for me because of my dad. It just makes me feel inferior in a way."

I don't know why I told him that. I don't understand it at all. The words just slipped off my tongue and they were out before I could stop myself. Why do I feel comfortable enough with him to even tell him this stuff? This whole thing was gonna give me a headache.

"You can just set your food on my desk and come sit on the bed. If you want that is."

I nodded and did as he suggested. It felt comfortable in his room.

Probably because this isn't the first time you were here.

I felt a blush creep onto my face while remembering what happened during my first uhm... visit.

We sat in silence and I honestly didn't mind it but knowing Kyle he probably was freaking out because of it.

He can't stay quiet if his life depended on it.

"So what time do you gotta be home by?"


"No particular time. My mom is out for the night and I was planning to crash at Jermey's but he's at his grandma's for a bit. So I'll probably just end up watching Netflix by myself at home."

It's gonna be lonely though..

"Well," Kyle started moving his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it as if he were nervous, "you can spend the night here if you want.. I'm sure my parents won't mind.."


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