Chapter 34

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Noah's POV-

I gave Kyle one last goodbye kiss and headed home. I knew I had a shit ton of explaining to do to Jermey or he would murder my ass.

I wonder how he would do it though. Knowing him he would probably break down, cry, and apologize before even attempting to kidnap me.

Before I knew it I had reached my moms front door. I took a deep breath, turned the knob and when I pushed the door open I heard a,


I barely dodged Jermey's tackle hug. The last time I decided to take one of those head on I fractured my elbow. Learn from your mistakes people. Don't repeat them.

"Noahhh, why'd you dodge?" He asked after landing on his right arm, attempting to break his fall.

"Because I don't want another fractured elbow." I stated, helping his dumbass up and giving him a tight hug.

"Come on," He said pulling away, "you have a lot of explaining to do mister."

I groaned but followed him inside the house anyways knowing I have absolutely no choice but to spill the details of my recently found love life.


"Holy shit I forgot what an asshole your dad is." Jermey said after I finished telling him all, as he likes to call it,

The Tea.

"But so you and Kyle .." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I felt my cheeks and ears heat up,

"I'm not ready right now for a label and being the main attraction of the school because God knows all eyes will be on us if we become a couple and he understands that. He said we can just be Noah and Kyle.. and fuck he is so fine!"

After my little rant, Jermey was silent. It was so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat. My own shaking breath. We just stared at each other and for a second I thought he was mad at me until I saw tears forming in eyes.

"Holy sh- Jermey are you crying?!"

He held a hand out to stop me from coming towards me,

"These are happy tears. Ever since we were kids, you were so closed off to everyone but me. Not letting anyone even get the chance to break down your walls. I doubted for so long that after your parents divorce you'd even let love into your life. I'm just so... proud you're letting someone in. When you wanted to just end everything, thinking that you were never gonna get anywhere in life, I just,"

he took a breath and looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed and eyes puffed up from crying,

"I'm just so utterly fucking proud of you."

I felt myself to tear up. Not only because of his kind words but because they were right. At a certain point in time I felt like giving up. Like nothing was even worth trying for because it would all result in failure. But here I am, standing all in piece.

Even though I have scars I've come to know them as survivor scars. They no longer remind me of the nights were I couldn't sleep or how they were made to release my mental pain, but the fact that I went through something and was strong enough to make it out.

"I love you bro." I said to Jermey.

A playful grin appeared on his face, "I love you too best platonic bro."

We both laughed and wiped away any remaining tears. I felt like I was in one of the Twilight movies with all these emotions running wild like shit Noah get ahold of yourself man.

"Wanna have a movie marathon?" I asked.

"Is that even a question?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

Being a smartass is just my whole personality trait, can you blame me? Jermey just punched my arm lightly while laughing and told me to go make some popcorn. And making popcorn is what I did because I obviously am a servant in my own household.

While making the popcorn I got a text from Kyle




Looking at the time made me realize how late it actually was and how we probably weren't going to make it to school but oh well, I'll be fine. Will Jermey? No. But that's his problem and if it gets too bad it'll most likely be mine.

"Hurry up loser!"

"Almost done dickwad!"

I heard a laugh from the other room and slipped my phone in my pocket while thinking about how absolutely blessed I am.

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