They finally reached to the alley and the mysterious man was standing there alone and the only thing visible to the couple was his bright blue eyes.
"Welcome" he said with a British accent.
He removed his hoodie and his face came to the couple's view.
"Mr and Mrs Horan..let me introduce myself. I'm Louis Tomlinson and I'm here to give you answers"
"What answers?" Niall asked just to be sure they're on the same page.
"The truth about the life of Maura Horan" he said.
"How do you know her?" Niall said.
He smiled.

"I'm an old friend of your father and I used to go to your mansion a lot. I know every single detail about Bobby and Maura"
"Do you know who murdered her?" Abby went straight to the point.
"That I don't know unfortunately. It's still a mystery"
"Then why did you call us?" She asked.
"To give you clues. Maybe it will help you to find the killer"
"What is your clue?" Niall asked.
"Now what I'm going to say maybe will anger you but I want you to know that this is the real truth, okay?" Louis told Niall.
"Go on" Niall said already frowning and irritated.

"Your mother was forced to marry your dad" Louis said.
Abby's suspicion about Maura being involved in a forced marriage was true.
"Bullshit" Niall declined immediately.
"I'm telling the truth..she never loved your dad..he forced her into the marriage"
Niall's hands fisted and his face turned red. Abby held her hand to calm him down.
"He was obsessed with your mother. To the point where she was trapped in the mansion"
"Stop" Niall said furiously.
"He was a bad man to her. She wanted nothing but freedom. She wasn't happy with her life"
"Stop" Niall said through clenched jaw.
"Not once she loved your fathe-"
Louis got cut off by a hard punch to his face from Niall.

His head fell back and his nose started bleeding. Niall raised his hand to punch Louis again but this time Abby stopped him.
"Niall" she held his bicep causing him to stop.
"Niall mate you have a heavy hand" Louis held his nose.
"Well don't talk garbage" Niall spat.
"I'm telling the truth..she was not hap-"
"Niall what was the words to the lullaby?" Louis asked.
Niall started thinking.
"If I'm not wrong, she used to sing freedom freedom where you are" Louis said.
"I want to touch the clouds. Far away from the crowds..and by the crowds she meant" Abby trailed off.
"People of the mansion" Louis completed.

"STOP" Niall said again covering his ears.
"More specific by people of the mansion she meant the Horan family" Louis said.
"STOP TALKING ABOUT HER! SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" Niall's voice broke. Once his back hit the wall he slid down while still covering his ears.
"I think you should go" Abby told Louis. He nodded at her and left.
Abby sat next to Niall and held his hand. He removed his hands from his ears and wiped his tear stains.
Abby's heart was aching for him.
He suddenly laid his head on her lap and she began to play with his hair.
"My mum was never happy..but she smiled for us" he whispered.
Abby started crying silently for him.

After a few minutes he stood up as if nothing happened.
"He was lying" Niall said still being in denial.
"I don't remember him being in the mansion. I haven't even seen him in the photo album. He's just some enemy trying to take some revenge and shit. Okay Abby? Whatever he said was nothing but a stupid lie so don't you dare believe him" he said.
She nodded so he doesn't get more furious. He took her hand and walked back to the car driving to the mansion.
"When we got home ask Helena about my mum and dad. She used to live with them. She knows how they were in love and how happy they were. She even knows how my parents met each other" Niall told Abby.
"How did they meet?" She asked.

"My mum was walking in the park. She passed the garden section and saw a man picking out a flower. She got mad and told him off about how they have a life like us as well" he smiled telling the story.
Abby smiled listening to him.
"My dad was there and he heard her. He then went to her and said I will get you your own garden someday..and that's how they met"

The couple reached home and they walked straight to Helena's room.
"Woah .. what did Jacqueline do this time?" She asked.
"Nothing" they said in unison.
"There was this man who talked bullshit about my parents"
"What did he say?"
"How my mum was forced to marry my dad and how she never loved him and she was never happy with her marriage life" Niall said.
"And you came here to?" Helena was confused.

"We're here so you could tell the truth. You used to live with them so you know them well. Tell Abby whatever that man said was a total lie and my parents' life was perfect..tell Abby that he lied" Niall said.
Helena swallowed and became hesitant. After a brief second she took a deep breath.
"Niall" she said after a short silence.

"What that man said is true"

The truth is being revealed..

War and Love (N.H) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now