24-Hour War 1/3

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Nighttime came as everyone in the City of Diacel including in the surrounding towns and villages are going back to their homes from their jobs. 

Every knight is on patrol duty at night, while some casted magic on the whole city in case any intruder enters it without any of their permission. Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious guest will arrive in the Western Region which will soon change the world forever.

Elsewhere, inside the Forest of Death, several kilometers east from the city. A hovercraft hovered above the forest, the hatch opened and five figures jumped out. They went out of the treelines in their advanced cloaking device capable of rivaling this world's high tier stealth magic.

Invisible on sight with no sound they could make, they are Mobile Task Force Gamma-14 "Ygot's Lawbringers", their objective was to retrieve Target Overlord, also known as Artemis.

They ran past the patrols without noticing them and jumped on top of the walls with ease and went to the other side. As they made it in an alleyway, they halted their steps.

One of the androids looks at the second before nodding its head.

Being as one, the second Android already knew the other was saying. 

And so, it went into a rooftop of a 5 storey tall building while the other Forces went deeper into the city.

Two patrol knights walking in the empty streets, keeping their eyes open, the leader of the group, put out its Assault Rifle with a silence system ready to fire until something orders in its mind.

[Don't terminate any entities in this city]

The voice is familiar and it is not hard that it was Artemis' voice.

The leader nodded without question, then two knights were close to their position, when one of them looked at the Androids, his eyes widened and tried to warn his partner.

But before he could do it, in a quick reflex, the Android put out its tranquilize gun and shot them and then put their unconscious body in the street, mistaking them sleeping on the job.

Not knowing how this guard could spot while their cloaking is still activated, the Android scans the guard for biological to magical information and what it got is that this guard has a talent to see through anything hidden in sight, even able to see someone at level 100 stealth without any problem.

Sounds kinda useful, but the Androids don't care as it is not really their objective.

Then they went deeper into the city to see more patrol knights doing their duty. They still hide while activating their cloaking device in case someone has a similar ability as the other guard. Moments passed, the androids passed through the dozens of knights without them noticing, except for a few that somehow felt something.

But it doesn't matter now as they were close to their destination, the Castle.

Once they reached the inner city, they spotted a figure a few meters in front of them. They immediately put out their assault rifles ready to face a threat but instantly lower it. In the next instant they fully know who it was, they put down their guns on who is the person in front.

"It seems you've finally arrived," Artemis said.

The leader nodded.

"It's nice to see my children come to find your leader... Caitlyn, I know you're on Android."

[Hehe, well we all miss you too, Artemis, it's been, what has it been, a month already?] Caitlyn said as the Android's red eyes became blue.

[Wow, is that how the other me sounds like? Reminds me of that annoying receptionist that I hated eons ago.] The other Caitlyn within Artemis said, feeling annoyed at her other self.

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