Ah Shit, Here We Go Again

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(The Continent of Fordalt)

(The Great Isthmus Region)

My first ever 100th chapter than any books I made, I know it looks terrible but this is just my first time creating a geographical map, don't blame me that its not look creative

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My first ever 100th chapter than any books I made, I know it looks terrible but this is just my first time creating a geographical map, don't blame me that its not look creative.

This is the map of the continent of Fordalt. However, their are more kingdoms than just Atira and Dioz and they are like thousand more cities, towns, and villages. The reason why is because it'll just cover the whole map and hard to read it for you readers. I won't go any details but I would show the places that you have read in the previous chapters, and also there are more places gonna be mention in the future chapters, hope that picture didn't spoiled you.

Screenshot it if you like to know more about it or look at it closely.

Tell me that I miss some places in the previous chapters because sometimes I forget stuff.


"Where am I?" Artemis found himself in an unknown place. A white room with no features.

"There you are" A voice said.

Artemis stepped forward and looked around.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"A voice" It said.

"Am I discussing with someone unreasonable?" Artemis asked. There was no reply for a few seconds.

"I am not someone, but I am reasonable" The voice said.

"Then, prove it to me. Where am I?" Artemis asked.

"You're inside a white room" It said.

"I know. But I am no fool. There is more to this room than what meets my eye" Artemis' voice began to deepen and his mood worsened.

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