“Oh no!” I shot my hands up in defense as my face heated up, “Oh no! We weren’t–I mean, we didn’t. . . we’ve never–I didn’t mean it that way!” I clasped my hands together tightly as my face flushed scarlet. “Oh dear.”

  Maj laughed even louder at my distress and wrapped an arm around Kuna, “You all have dirty minds, did you know that?”

  Kuna swatted her away and fought back giggles. “Go make your trays of food and leave us deviants alone.”

  “Gladly!” Maj joked. “After you, my lady.” She gestured towards the kitchen and let me go first. Maj shut the dining room door behind her, immediately hushing their remaining laughter.

  “I’m sorry about all that, my lady,” she said as she grabbed two trays from the cupboard. “I hope we didn’t. . . er, step over a line. Especially Kuna, they can get a little–”

  “No, no,” I cut her off, “it’s okay. I suppose I should’ve chosen my words better. . .”

  “I. . . um, I’m sorry my lady. I want you to know I’m still really sorry about that time I questioned you and Jayen. . . I just really care for the girl. She’s like a daughter to me. After Jinan–” she took a deep breath, “–I was worried about her. Jayen was always a hopeless romantic and I was scared that she'd get into another abusive relationship. I overstepped a line, maybe even several. I know it doesn’t matter but I want you to know I’m happy for you two.” Maj set the trays and started filling the bowls with stew.

  “It’s alright. . . I understand. She told me about Jinan. . .” I bit my lip. “Being worried about her is only natural. But I actually have two favors to ask of you.”


  “Jayen and I were going out to her cottage for about a week. I need you to watch over the estate, make sure things are kept clean and no Guards try to search the premises.” I sighed, “I know the Guards will come back, I just don’t know when. . . But I want you to be ready.”

   “Of course, I’ll make sure everyone is doing what they’re supposed to as well.” Maj nodded.

   “One more thing. . .” I glanced around the kitchen, “I would consider this a personal favor. Get rid of Jinan. I want him off my property and to never set foot inside this house again. I technically cannot fire him due to a contract. . . but you, you can. I know it’s a lot to ask but–”

  “I’ll do it.”

  “–it would mean a lot, wait what. Truly? You’ll do it?” I asked hopefully.

  “Of course. I’ve been wanting to kick the bastard out since you brought him back.” Maj laughed heartily.

  I nodded. “I’ll sign some papers before we leave that make it legal so there would be no loopholes. Make sure he’s gone before we get back. Thank you so much. . .” I looked down and sighed. “Actually, it would be a good idea to transfer Jayen's employment around as well. You’d be her boss instead of me.”

  Maj bit her cheek but shook her head. “Of course, my lady. Here, you take Jayen’s tray. I’ll bring up yours.”

  “Is there any of the wine I brought here left?” I asked, eyeing the trays. There was a decent amount of stew in the bowls with three slices of fresh bread.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora