Chapter 93: Meeting big Brother and Sister

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Kali starts to cry and turns her head to Doug's chest with her mouth open. "I think someone's hungry" Kamala says. Doug smiles and hands Kali to her.

"Come on baby girl lets go to our room and you can have something to fill your little tummy."

Doug follows her to their room and put's everything away where it belongs and smiles at Kamala as she sits on the bed and feeds Kali. "Dougie...How will I know when my milk comes in?"

"I'm not too sure, we'll see".
"Okay" Kamala says and looks down at Kali.
Ella comes home and find's Barb in the kitchen baking. "Hi Grandma what are you baking?"
"Hey baby just some cupcakes and cookies."
"Yum. Is Mom and Dad home yet?" Ella asks.
"Yeah they are in their room" Barb tells her.
"So my baby sister is home?!" she asks sitting up straight.
"Yes she is, she's with your parents" Barb smiles.
Kamala looks at Doug when there is a knock on their bedroom door, as she burps Kali. Doug looks at her and then at the door "Come in" he calls out.
Ella opens the door slowly "Hi" she says quietly, smiling.
"Hi Princess" Doug says.
"Want to come meet your baby sister?" Kamala asks with a smile, putting her breast away.

Ella nods "Yes" she says and walks over to Kamala. Kamala places Kali in Ella's arms.
Kamala smiles and leans against Doug, as she starts to take photos of Ella holding Kali.

Kali grips Ella's finger, "Hey, What's up?" Ella asks in a baby voice.
Kali coos and looks up into Ella's eyes.
Ella smiles and boops her nose "boop".
Kali coos again.

Kamala whispers that she is going to get a snack then walks out to the kitchen.

◆●Ella POV●◆
Kali starts crying so I hand her to Dad "Okay nope, I don't know what I did here".

●★Kamala POV★●
I hear Kali cry and go back to the room. "What happened?"
Ella says "Nothing, I don't know".
I look at Doug "Did you check her diaper Honey?"
"No" he says then lay's her down and takes off her pants, "that's why".
"Just remember to fold down the front of the diaper a little to stop it from covering the stump of the umbilical chord."

He looks at me confused "Baby you mean her belly button" Doug says as he changes Kali's diaper and folds it down a little.

"No there is still a small amount of the cord attached to her belly button. Over the next seven to 14 days, it will get darker, dry out, shrivel up and will eventually fall off. That's why she can only have sponge baths for now" I snap.

"Oh Okay".
I see his face, "I'm sorry Baby" I apologize for snapping.
"it's okay love" he assures me.
"Would you like a snack?" I ask him.
"Yes please, Ella?" he says,
"Sure Mom."
"Okay" I walk back out to the kitchen and look for something to eat.

"Okay she should be good now" Doug says handing Kali back to Ella then gets up to wash his hands.

Kamala comes back with some crackers and cheese and some doritos for Doug and Ella.

Cole walks into the kitchen from the front door.

"Coleee your home hey baby" Barb says hugging him.

"Hi Grandma."
"Your parents are in their room".
Cole pulls a bunch of flowers from the bag he is carrying and gives them toBarb. "These are for you."
"Aww love thank youuuu".
"You are welcome grandma."

"Hi honey" Kamala says and gives Cole a hug when he walks in the room.

"Hey, how you feelin?" he asks
"Sore and exhausted."
"Aww well I got you and Kali stuff".

"Aww baby boy you didn't have to do that

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"Aww baby boy you didn't have to do that."

He smiles and hands her a giraffe plushie for Kali and flowers for her
"No but I wanted to".

She pulls him into another hug and kisses his cheek "aww well thank
you they are beautiful. Kali look at what your big brother got for

Cole looks at Kali and smile "Hi" he says in a baby voice.

"Now that we are all here can I please take a photo of you guys sitting on either side of your Dad and Dougie can you please hold Kali? I haven't told Maya that she has been born so I'd like to send it to her."

Cole laughs and sits down to the side of Doug and Ella sits on the other side.
Doug smiles, and hold's Kali.
"Okay say cheese" Kamala say's and they do I snap a few photos. "Thank you guys."
I send one to Maya and Meena and say to Maya *I know you are probably busy with Devi, but I wanted to let you know Kali was born yesterday morning at 2:00 am.*

Maya sees she got a message from Kamala and gasps "OMG" she says aloud.
Tony is sitting beside her holding Devi "What's up babe?"
"Kamala had her babyyyyy" Maya says.
"Aww tell her I said congratulations" Tony says stroking Devi's head "Did you hear that son? Auntie Kamala has given birth to your cousin".
Kali yawns and starts falling asleep in Dougs arms.
"That's adorable" Kamala whispers.
Doug smiles.

"Do you think it's time we have a nap now?" Kamala asks.
"Yeah I'm tired and I can tell you are still exhausted."
The older kids walk out and lets them sleep.

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