Chapter 61

801 21 6

Ch61 - Extra 2

“I still suggest that you find an Alpha.” The doctor pushed the physical examination report in front of Xu Yu Sheng. “You used too many inhibitors during your developmental period, and many of them were inferior products. This has suppressed the normal development of your glands. It’s also why the time between your estrus cycles is longer than other Omegas.”

“Don’t think of this as a good thing. This is already a pheromone disorder. Because your glands have been in a suppressed state for a long time, they’ll take longer to mature and will develop a certain resistance to the inhibitors.”

“So you’re saying it’ll attack back after being suppressed for a long time?” Xu Yu Sheng glanced at the rows of data on the report, not quite understanding.

“That’s correct. I have already warned you not to suppress your natural development or the consequences would be very serious. Your current condition is very dangerous. It’s best that you find an Alpha as soon as possible, before the inhibitors lose their effectiveness.”

“Even if the inhibitors fail, I can still manage by myself.”

“You need to understand the severity of this matter. This time, your estrus response will be much greater than the times before. No Omega can fight through it without the help of external forces. Also, even if you can endure it, your body will suffer irreversible damage, such as physical weakness, and your glands become more sensitive. Even an Omega’s pheromones will be able to trigger your estrus.”

“Can I avoid all this if I find an Alpha?” Disdain overflowed from Xu Yu Sheng’s expression.

“Yes. An Alpha’s pheromones are natural. It can minimise the damage to your body. There also doesn’t need to be any action. It’s fine if you just get temporarily marked.”

“I don’t mind going to bed with an Alpha during estrus, but marking won’t do. Not even temporary marking.” Xu Yu Sheng instantly retorted.

However, there were hardly any Alphas who could resist marking an Omega during estrus. Xu Yu Sheng was just mentioning it. Even if it was just temporarily marking, it would still have a certain impact on both parties. Xu Yu Sheng didn’t like this kind of effect. He also didn’t like the genetic instinct an Omega has towards an Alpha.

“When will the inhibitors fail?”

“Most likely during your next estrus. Your estrus cycle isn’t that stable. It might come when it usually comes, but it also might come tomorrow. I hope that you can seriously think about it.”

“Tsk.” Xu Yu Sheng left the doctor’s office. He crumpled the report into a ball and shoved it into his pocket. “So bothersome.”

He has long passed the age of dreaming of sweet love, and even then he hasn’t thought about it before. He has seen too many Alphas who could be described as scoundrels. Even if he really spent a lifetime alone, he also wouldn’t casually find an Alpha — it was all because of those damn glands.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Efmfcais, atf cewyfg bo mjrfr gfijafv ab wlcbgr tjr lcmgfjrfv.” C mfgajlc afjw wfwyfg lc atf boolmf ugewyifv, vgjklcu atf jugffwfca bo batfg wfwyfgr.

“Pa’r atf tbilvjsr joafg jii.”

“Pa’r cbgwji obg sbecurafgr ab ufa mjgglfv jkjs ktlif qijslcu bearlvf.”

“Pa’r ilxf atlr fnfgs sfjg. Wljb Hl, tbk jgf sbe? Tbe pera jgglnfv yea la’r rb yers. Ljnf sbe jvjqafv?”

“I’m very good.” Qi Yi finished typing the last character of his report and checked it over for any mistakes. “The seniors have taken great care of me. It’s not too tiring.”

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