Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Story starts changing from the previous version from here~

They didn’t know if it was a placebo effect or if it was really from the blessing, Ning An and He Xin both passed through the exam without a hitch. In the final close combat section, they had to randomly draw their opponents.

Ning An drew Xu Yu Sheng, while He Xin drew Chen Si Yu.

“Hah, He Xiao Xin.” Chen Si Yu intimately wrapped his arm around He Xin’s shoulder and went to register with the teacher in charge of scoring. “Although we’re from the same dorm, I won’t go easy on you.”

“I will also do my best!”

Standing to the side, Ning An and Xu Yu Sheng looked at each other and laughed.

“This really seems to be fate. However, I won’t show any mercy.” Xu Yu Sheng finished warming up and put on a wrist guard. “You should be careful.”

“Maybe it’s a blessing.” Ning An rotated his neck. “We still haven’t determined who won the fight last time.”

The two of them stood face to face on the combat stage once again. Without the need to probe out each other, they rushed forwards as soon as the teacher blew the whistle.

“Yo, they’ve improved a lot.” Derek and Fu Ke had already finished their exam. Derek felt that the school must have deliberately assigned him to Fu Ke, and as expected, he lost again. When they came out, they just happened to see Ning An and He Xin taking the exam.

Whether it was in their style or their power, they looked like completely different people from before, especially with Ning An’s delicate and fragile young master appearance. Seeing Ning An use a spinning back kick to end the fight, Derek exclaimed, “Beautiful!”

Ning An and Xu Yu Sheng then shook hands and bowed.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“You’ve made a lot of progress.” When Xu Yu Sheng had just started school, he had looked down on the Class 6 crane tails like Ning An, but now his views have already changed.

“Pa’r cbatlcu. Tbe jgf jirb nfgs qbkfgoei.” We Te Vtfcu’r fzqibrlnf qbkfg kjr nfgs ragbcu. Ca atf rajga, Rlcu Cc kjr jiwbra ecjyif ab oluta jujlcra la. Vfflcu Me Bf jcv Gfgfx kjamtlcu atfw, tf aegcfv jgbecv jcv kjnfv.

Lf Wlc jcv Jtfc Vl Te jirb olclrtfv atflg oluta. Ktf akb bo atfw obeuta bc qjg klat fjmt batfg jcv fcvfv eq yflcu rabqqfv ys atf afjmtfg. Jtfc Vl Te ralii tjv j wfcaji ragfcuat afra, rb Lf Wlc, Rlcu Cc jcv atf batfgr ifoa atf agjlclcu ugbecv olgra.

“How do you think you went?” Fu Ke asked Ning An as they walked to the cafeteria, feeling a little nervous.

“Well, I borrowed your luck.” Ning An waved his hand. Even if he didn’t know how he went in the exam, he was already very happy that finished the end of semester exams. “It’s all thanks to the Study God’s blessing.”

“Do you have any plans for the holidays?” After the exam results come out tomorrow, the majority of students wouldn’t choose to remain at school. Fu Ke learnt from Fu Yue that it was a good opportunity to get closer with friends during vacation.

“I’ll first go home and sleep for a few days.” Because he had been studying every day during the intense time at the end of the semester, Ning An hadn’t slept well for a month. The dark circles under his eyes were so thick that every time he made a video call, Ning Meng would want to snatch his exercise book and shove him in bed to sleep. “I’ll figure out what to do after I’ve slept enough.”

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