Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Get ready for some angst

“Hello. My name is Yu Tao. This person is Qiu Yan. Thank you for last time.” The people in front of Ning An happened to be the round eyed girl and the little youth he had previously met in the shopping mall. It was still the girl who spoke first.

“Hello. My name is Qiu Yan. Thank you so much for last time.” The youth’s voice was soft and smooth like honey. He shyly lowered his head, but from time to time, his eyes would sneak a glance at Ning An.

“Hello, I’m Ning An.” Ning An didn’t expect that they would meet again. He courteously shook their hands. “It’s just a small matter. There’s no need to thank me.”

“Come over and sit ah.” Ning Meng noticed that they seemed to know Ning An and thus vacated the seat opposite him. “This is Chen Si Yu, and this person is my brother. You guys know each other?”

Yu Tao and Qiu Yan sat down after exchanging greetings with Chen Si Yu. Hearing Ning Meng’s question, Yu Tao started to describe the events of that day; about how anxious they were, how fierce the Alpha was, and how brave Ning An was.

“…… He was simply like the Saviour.” Yu Tao finished her account with this sentence.

Ning Meng was quite stunned and looked Ning An up and down in disbelief. The person that Yu Tao just described was her brother?

“It’s not that exaggerated. I just happened to be there. Other people would also do the same.” Ning An waved his hand to try and block Ning Meng’s burning gaze. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Hello—” Fu Yue’s voice came over from afar and then she quickly walked up to the table. “We’re a little late. I hope that’s okay?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Where’s the two people you brought over?” Ning Meng patted the seat beside her.

“They’re at the back.” Fu Yue pulled Fu Ke with one hand and Derek with the other, once again appearing in front of everyone. “I’ll introduce them to everyone. This is my brother Fu Ke, and this is Derek Liszt.”

Derek smiled and greeted everyone. Since they have all met before, he felt that there was no need to be reserved and hence sat directly beside Ning An.

Chen Si Yu didn’t expect to see Fu Ke and Derek, Yu Tao was pleasantly surprised and her eyes stared warmly at Derek, Qiu Yan only said a hello before lowering his head, while Ning An and Fu Ke just awkwardly looked at each other.

“Hello, Student Fu Ke. I’m really surprised to see you here.” Ning An put on a fake smile and greeted Fu Ke.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Olxfklrf, Vaevfca Rlcu Cc.” Me Bf gfqilfv jcv atfc rja vbkc.

Pc bgvfg ab ifa fnfgsbcf ufa ab xcbk fjmt batfg yfaafg, Me Tef jcv Rlcu Zfcu rkjqqfv rfjar. Rlcu Zfcu rja bqqbrlaf Me Bf, Te Kjb kjr qjlgfv klat Gfgfx, Rlcu Cc kjr qjlgfv klat Hle Tjc, jcv ijrais Me Tef kjr qjlgfv klat Jtfc Vl Te.

“So it turned out that you guys all know each other ah.” Fu Yue could sense that there seemed to be a problem between her brother and Ning Meng’s brother. Not wanting the atmosphere to become awkward, she tried her best to signal to Ning Meng with her eyes.

Chen Si Yu could also tell that something was wrong between Ning An and Fu Ke. Student Fu Ke? Student Ning An? Weren’t they already addressing each other by name before like close friends? Ning An had just called Derek by name, but when it came to Fu Ke, he added an extra ‘student’? Why was he so formal?

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