Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

It was Fu Ke’s voice.

Xu Yu Sheng felt quite uncomfortable.

He could sense that someone had been staring at him recently, especially in the training ground and while he was eating. Their eyes were always glued to his back. He could tell that the owner of these eyes didn’t have bad intentions, but it was still uncomfortable, causing him to be a little out of sorts during his training at night.

Seeing him being absent-minded, Xu Yu Sheng’s partner suggested that he should take a break. Xu Yu Sheng agreed and sat down to drink some water. Not long after, another person sat down next to him.

“Student Xu, hello.”

“Hello Student Fu.” Xu Yu Sheng quietly shifted to the side. Regardless of whether it was due to his mentality or physiology, he didn’t want to be near Fu Ke at this moment. He and Fu Ke didn’t have many interactions with each other, so his instincts told him that the reason Fu Ke came to find him wasn’t a good thing. “Can I help you with something?”

Fu Ke looked at him and hesitated. Xu Yu Sheng patiently waited for him to speak.

“I want to ask you a favour.”

“There’s something on your face.”


“I like you a little.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Do you know what I lack?”

“P ijmx sbe.”


“Xefrr ktfgf ws tfjga lr.”

“Pa’r klat sbe.”


“You’re very annoying today. That’s because you're charming and I'm never tired of looking at you.”


Vfflcu Me Bf fzqgfrrlbcifrris rajglcu ja tlr afgwlcji jr tf gfjv bea atfrf mtffrs qlmx eq ilcfr, We Te Vtfcu mbeivc’a rabq tlr ojmf ogbw aklamtlcu, frqfmljiis ktfc Me Bf olclrtfv gfjvlcu jcv rlcmfgfis jrxfv tlw: “Vaevfca We, ktlmt rfcafcmf vb sbe atlcx lr yfaafg obg j mbcofrrlbc?”

“Then I’m taking the liberty to ask, who do you want to confess to?” Xu Yu Sheng has seen many discussions about Fu Ke in the Omega forum, but Fu Ke’s popularity wasn’t to the extent that he could get a crowd of Omegas to gather around him by just hooking his finger. He’s now behaving like this? Which saint made him fall?

“I hope that you can keep this a secret.” Fu Ke looked a little embarrassed. “It’s Ning An.”

This was unexpected, but it was also a reasonable answer.

“I think they’re all okay. Actually, you can ask Student Liszt for this kind of thing. He should be very good in this aspect.” Xu Yu Sheng already regretted agreeing to help Fu Ke with this matter. He had thought that he would just listen to him say a few words, but who knew that after listening to them, he would cringe all over.

“This is what he gave me, A hundred sweet words of love, a helping hand in pursuing your sweetheart.” Fu Ke read out each word of the title. “He’s recently been busy dating.”

“Wow.” Xu Yu Sheng let it sink in that Liszt had a partner. Anyway, it wasn’t any of his business. He immediately thought of the next unfortunate target of affection. “If you want to ask about Ning An’s preferences, wouldn’t it be better to find He Xin? They have a really good relationship ah.”

“I know, but recently he’s also been busy. Also……” Fu Ke already knew that He Xin was Derek’s boyfriend. It was right for him to maintain some distance. Fu Ke observed for a few days and found that Xu Yu Sheng and Ning An had a pretty good relationship. He felt that he might be able to ask Xu Yu Sheng for help, and he finally found the opportunity to ask during his break.

“He’s also busy dating?” Xu Yu Sheng was just joking around, but seeing Fu Ke give an affirming nod, he suddenly had an outrageous thought in his heart. So you think I have a lot of free time? Xu Yu Sheng silently cursed, but he still proposed his opinion. “I think you should be more affectionate. There’s no need to look at that, uh, that book of pick up lines. It’s fine if you just say the words you have in your heart. Remember to put feeling into it.”

Fuck! I am an Omega! Why does Laozi have to figure out what a Beta thinks?!

Why the fuck do you have to ask a single dog for relationship advice?!

This is beyond my expertise! Seriously beyond my expertise!

Xu Yu Sheng grumbled like this in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face. In order to help the other person to the end and send the monk to the west, as well as to help one of his few friends, Ning An, he smiled and suggested: “Think over your feelings and try again?”

Listening to his words, Fu Ke thought for a moment and said. “I like you, can you be my boyfriend?”

“Will Ning An accept this?” Fu Ke asked nervously.

“I think so.” Xu Yu Sheng remembered when Ning An was absent-minded for a period of time. He said he always felt that something was wrong. It was clearly because he was already in love with the other person, but he still wouldn’t admit it. Thinking this, Xu Yu Sheng was more than willing to push these two together. “Just say it to him. You’ll be fine. Jiayou ah, I support you two.”

Fu Ke found that it was a lot more difficult to find Ning An in the following few days. Even if the two of them met, Ning An would always just give a greeting and then make up all kinds of excuses to leave. After this happened several times, Fu Ke could sense that something was wrong.

“He’s avoiding you.” Derek said as he walked by. “What did you do to him?”

“I don’t know.” Fu Ke frowned as he looked at the chat record between them. The last time they talked was a long time ago. Fu Ke wanted to enter something into the message box, but in the end, he didn’t type a single word. Getting up and stepping onto the balcony, he looked at the bedroom on the other side. Light was seeping out from the gap in the curtains.

Fu Ke sighed. He didn’t know what to do.

“Public visit day? What’s that?” Already lying in bed, Ning An sat up straight when he heard Chen Si Yu and the others discussing about this. “I don’t think I’ve heard of it before?”

“It’s because this year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the school, so it’s a special case. The school has always prohibited outsiders from entering.” Chen Si Yu came out of the bathroom and used a towel to rub his dripping wet hair. “Do you guys want to register as a volunteer? It can count as extra credits.”

“Is it voluntary registration?”

“Ning An, just forget about it. You’ve been really busy recently. Volunteers also have extracurricular training and so on. You might not be able to handle it.” Chen Si Yu also felt that Ning An was forcing himself to be busy, so busy that he was like a spinning top. Naturally, he didn’t get much rest; there were now dark circles under his eyes.

“Right. Ning An, you should rest well.” He Xin also urged.

“It’s already quite late. Is your hair dry yet? I’m turning off the lights.” Wang Yi’s hand was already on the light switch. Chen Si Yu hurriedly rubbed his hair a few times before hanging the towel.

“I’m fine. I know my own condition.” Ning An was a little surprised by his roommates’ actions. He smiled and then laid down again.

He just wanted to find something to do. It was best if he could be so busy that his feet didn’t touch the ground, so that he would instantly fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. This way, he wouldn’t have the energy to think about the confession he saw that night.

Alphas and Omegas were naturally attracted to each other. The two of them were equally outstanding. They were a match made in heaven.

The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I'm Pretending to be a BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora