Chapter 4

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The arrangements for the next day had already been sent to each of their terminals. Ning An saw that ‘6:30~7:30’ morning training time slot and was miserable for a long time. In the end, he silently shut his terminal. What he can’t see won’t bother him.

Early morning the next day however, he was still woken up by the sound of the morning call. In a daze, he was dragged out of the building by He Xin to find their class group. He didn’t hear what the military instructor was saying, so he just followed everyone and started running around the grounds.

“How long have we run?” Ning An was quite uncertain as he pulled He Xin’s arm. He was already gasping for breath. “How much longer do we have to run?”

“We’ve just started.” He Xin’s breath was only a little fast. “I suppose we’ll run for an hour.”

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Hearing this, Ning An simply wanted to collapse. He once again pulled at He Xin’s sleeve. “Good brother, if I happen to faint, don’t let my head hit the ground. Also, remember to send me to the infirmary.”

Ciqtjr jcv Dfajr kfgf lc rfqjgjaf ugbeqr, yea atfs jii gjc abufatfg obg atf wbgclcu agjlclcu. Qtfc Me Bf jgglnfv ja atf agjlclcu ugbecvr, tf rjk atf reqqbrfv Ywfuj tf tjv yewqfv lcab sfrafgvjs. Qlat atlc jgwr jcv ifur, ibbxlcu vlrqlglafv jcv sjkclcu, Me Bf ofia atja Rlcu Cc ibbxfv wbgf jcv wbgf ilxf jc Ywfuj. Pa kjr rjlv atja lc fnfgs sfjg bo wlilajgs rmtbbi, atfgf kbeiv yf j ofk bo atfw tlvvfc klatlc. Lf gfjiis mbeivc’a ecvfgrajcv ktja atlr qfgrbc kjr atlcxlcu.

“Fu, what are you looking at?” Derek also looked towards the direction Fu Ke was looking in. He first saw He Xin, who was cheering Ning An on, and only then saw Ning An stumbling along behind him. “Is the admission standard this year that low?”

“Not everyone is like the Liszt family’s little prince, receiving military training since young.” Fu Ke looked at Ning An’s swaying figure from the corner of his eyes. He felt that Ning An would soon give up after facing the reality.

“We’re in the same boat.” Derek smiled and then started to concentrate on running.

Under He Xin’s encouragement and support, Ning An finally finished running. Sitting beside the training ground, he felt like he was barely alive. Afterwards, when he reached the cafeteria and faced the long line in front of the service counter, he fell even more into despair. In the end, he bought a nutrition pack from the vending machine. Enduring the sticky texture, he swallowed it down.

“Have a steamed bun.” Wang Yi couldn’t stand to watch him any longer. His own physical fitness was very good. After the morning training ended, he immediately rushed to the cafeteria to buy half a dozen steamed buns. Eating one less wouldn’t be much of a problem.

“Thank you, but I don’t need it.” The flavour of the nutrition pack was quite unpalatable. However, its effect was still pretty good. Ning An’s complexion wasn’t as pale as before. “I already drank a nutrition pack.”

“Fu, you seen to be very interested in that weak chicken.” Derek discovered that Fu Ke had once again looked over towards Ning An. He used his chopsticks to lightly tap the side of his bowl, attracting Fu Ke’s attention.

“Haven’t I already told you not to tap the bowl when you eat.” Just when Fu Ke saw Ning An frown and drink his nutrition pack, he heard that tapping sound. He then turned his head back to finish eating his breakfast. He also didn’t forget to urge Derek, “Hurry up. In a moment, we still need to give a speech as first year representatives.”

“I know, Fu.” Derek also took note of Ning An. What was so special about him that made Fu Ke this interested?

Ning An completely didn’t know that he was already being paid attention to. While waiting for Wang Yi to finish eating his breakfast, he listened to Chen Si Yu’s new findings and also carefully looked at the program for the school welcoming ceremony in his terminal.

“The headmaster speaks, the graduate representative speaks, the first year representatives speak……” Ning An rubbed his hair in annoyance. “How come it’s all speeches? This will be so boring.”

“In the big assembly hall, you can sit.” He Xin seemed to think that the flavour of the nutrition pack was really novel. Slowly sipping it, he said, “Who knows, Ning An. You might be able to secretly sleep.”

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