Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

“He Xin, let’s not fight anymore.” Seeing that the outcome of the match has already been decided, Chen Si Yu immediately stepped forward to catch He Xin. However, this child refused to admit defeat, persistently rushing forward and taking Xu Yu Sheng’s punches head on. Standing to one side, Chen Si Yu felt pain just from watching him.

Seeing Xu Yu Sheng showing off his military strength, Chen Si Yu was also unwilling to back down. However, Wang Yi was called by a military instructor to take part in some mental training. Chen Si Yu wanted to help He Xin, but his heart felt quite intimidated.

“Again, come again.” He Xin’s mouth was punched and blood started flowing from the corner. Even speaking became difficult, but he still struggled to stand up.

Stop, let’s hurry up and go to the infirmary. Chen Si Yu had wanted to cover He Xin’s mouth, but on the other side, Xu Yu Sheng had already heard his words. He stopped chatting with his friends and turned, looking at He Xin with his eyes filled with disdain.

“What? A crane tail still doesn’t want to concede?” Xu Yu Sheng arrogantly walked towards He Xin and looked down on him. “The weak should make way for the strong. I’m sorry, but in the future, don’t let me see you in the training grounds again.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“The training ground isn’t owned by your family. What right do you have to stop us from coming here!” Chen Si Yu couldn’t take it anymore and shouted.

Pc gfaegc, We Te Vtfcu ifa bea j mbcafwqaeber ijeut. “Po sbe vbc’a jmmfqa atlr, kts vbc’a sbe mbwf jcv oluta wf?”

Cr ibcu jr cb bcf kjr xliifv, atf wlilajgs rmtbbi reqqbgafv atlr xlcv bo bcf-bc-bcf olutalcu yfakffc raevfcar. Fcvfg atlr rsrafw, atfgf kfgf lcfnlajyis qfbqif ktb abbx jvnjcajuf bo atf ibbqtbifr. Vb ibcu jr cb bcf kjr yfjafc ab vfjat, mjerlcu rfnfgf lcpeglfr kjr cb qgbyifw ja jii. Cr j gfreia, atfgf tjv yffc delaf j ofk mjrfr bo nlmlber ygjkir bmmegglcu klatlc atf rmtbbi.

Although the school would punish the offenders, they didn’t completely forbid this kind of behaviour. Furthermore, each class could apply to compete with each other, and the results would count towards their final class evaluation.

“Sure, I’ll fight with you.” Chen Si Yu was still wondering what to do when he heard Ning An’s voice cut through the room. After receiving the message from Chen Si Yu, Ning An had rushed over from Qin Zhao’s office and just happened to see this scene. The more he looked at Xu Yu Sheng, the angrier he felt.

“Ha, you must be Ning An. You guys are indeed good brothers ah.” Xu Yu Sheng took a look at He Xin lying on the ground, and then turned to look at Ning An who was standing before him. “Even going to the infirmary, you need to go together?”

The group of people behind Xu Yu Sheng burst out into mocking laughter. Ning An’s face was unreadable as he took a step forward and faced Xu Yu Sheng. “How about it? Do you dare?”

“Why wouldn’t I dare? But you–” It was the first time that Xu Yu Sheng was questioned like this, and it was also by a crane tail. Did he think he was scared? A wave of anger rose from his heart. “Be prepared to beg me for mercy.”

Ning An wasn’t the slightest bit shaken. After giving Xu Yu Sheng a glance, he squatted down to look at He Xin’s condition, his expression increasingly calm. “You guys should hurry up and go to the infirmary. Don’t stay here. Your injuries might cause problems if left untreated.”

“Ning An, be careful.” He Xin only managed to say a few words before Ning An motioned him to shut up. He called Chen Si Yu to help support He Xin and leave.

“Ning An.” Chen Si Yu was uncertain about Ning An’s actions. “Don’t push yourself. If you really can’t handle it……”

“It’s fine. I know my limits.” Ning An waved his hand and cut him off before going into the combat arena to face Xu Yu Sheng.

“You still have time to back out before you regret this. After all, I don’t want people to think that I’m bullying you.” Xu Yu Sheng was already prepared to attack, yet still ‘sincerely’ gave him a reminder.

“There’s no need. Please.”

The fight didn’t end as quickly as Xu Yu Sheng had hoped for. Ning An’s sparring practice wasn’t in vain. Not only could he judge what Xu Yu Sheng was going to do next, he also perfectly dodged and resisted the attacks.

This kind of opponent was the most troublesome and the most annoying. Xu Yu Sheng gradually started to lose the little bit of patience he had. After receiving a few punches in the face from Ning An, nothing mattered to him anymore.

Afterwards, all their skill and techniques went down the drain and their match became a full on fist fight. Every time Xu Yu Sheng thought that Ning An was going to be knocked down, Ning An swayed about but still stood firm, his eyes red as he stared at him. Seeing this look, Xu Yu Sheng felt a little terror.

The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I'm Pretending to be a BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora