Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

He probably liked Ning An. Fu Ke suddenly thought this, but he also felt that he might be a step too late. In his mind, one moment it’s Ning An and Qiu Yan sitting and eating together, another moment it’s Ning An pulling him and running away.

Ning An looked very beautiful. This was also part of the reason why Fu Ke thought that he was an Omega. Besides his appearance, his temperament was also very good and his grades weren’t bad. As a Beta, he was very outstanding. It wasn’t surprising for others to be attracted to him.

Qiu Yan was also gentle and delicate. An Omega like him could easily arouse people’s desire to protect him, not to mention that Ning An had heroically saved this beauty inside the shopping mall. Fu Ke felt that Ning An definitely wouldn’t reject this person’s confession.

For the first time in his life, Fu Ke felt defeated. If he had realised his feelings sooner, if there hadn’t been so many misunderstandings in the beginning, then everything would have worked out just fine. Clearly, he always couldn’t help but look for Ning An’s presence. He remembered every one of his little habits, as well as every word he had said to himself. He was even happy every time they made physical contact, so seeing him happily chatting with someone else, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Alphas have a very strong sense of territory. They absolutely wouldn’t be able to tolerate someone else stealing their object.

But Fu Ke was also afraid. He still remembered what had happened in the shopping mall. The rich pheromones really did affect him, but he was clear that the person who made him react wasn’t the person who was emitting the pheromones.

However, he was pushed away. He remembered the look of disbelief, doubt and even disgust in Ning An’s eyes. So, he shrank back and returned to his position of being a friend. But he wasn’t satisfied with just looking at him.

This sense of defeat reached its peak when Fu Ke caught sight of Ning An and Qiu Yan again, especially when he also saw that Ning An was holding a stuffed toy souvenir in his hands. This was undoubtedly a gift for Qiu Yan. Fu Ke wanted to get up, but then he sat down again and watched as the two left the aquarium.

What was he still doing sitting here? Fu Ke composed himself and also left.

“I’ll just wait for the car here. Is Ning An Ge also heading back to school? Thank you for coming out with me today. I had a great time. I will seriously think over what Ning An Ge said to me and give you an answer after I figure it out.”

Qiu Yan took a while to realise that his confession was rejected, but he still enjoyed his time today. Also, even if the first time didn’t work, there was still a second time. “You don’t need to send me off. I will hand this pillow over to Ning Meng.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Yxjs, rbggs obg atf agbeyif.” Hle Tjc’r oislcu mjg yjmx ab rmtbbi pera tjqqfcfv ab jgglnf ja atlr wbwfca. Rlcu Cc kjnfv tlw ubbvysf jcv rjlv: “Df mjgfoei bc atf gbjv.”

“Yxjs. Xbbvysf Rlcu Cc Xf.”

Rlcu Cc’r mjg yjmx ab rmtbbi ralii tjvc’a jgglnfv sfa. Lf kjr jirb atf bcis bcf ja atf rabq.

As a Beta and also someone who’s unable to sense pheromones, he knew he wouldn’t be able to experience the love at first sight and mutual attraction between an Alpha and an Omega caused by their pheromones.

He had also envisioned what his future partner would be like — a gentle and considerate Beta like himself.

Besides his gender, Qiu Yan was exactly his ideal type.

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