Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Fu Ke has met many people with the same opinions as Xu Yu Sheng before. In his class, several Alphas who preached the ‘survival of the fittest’ and ‘natural selection’ established a so-called ‘brotherhood’ and invited many people to join. Fu Ke and Derek also received an invitation, but they both politely declined.

Fu Ke felt that their opinions were too radical. Everyone has their own freedom. It is reasonable to say that everyone has their own place in society, but that doesn’t mean that it’s absolutely fixed.

Xu Yu Sheng’s presence didn’t stir up any ripples in Ning An’s life. People who walked different paths would go their separate ways. They were in different classes and different dorms, so they usually wouldn’t run into each other. Ning An quickly threw this not so pleasant meeting into the back of his mind.

The arrangement of their academic program seemed pretty relaxed, but in fact, it wasn’t as simple as Ning An had thought. Moreover, Ning An seemed to have simultaneously attracted the attention of his instructors Qin Zhao and Song Xing. One would always pick him to stand up and answer questions, and would constantly issue homework papers after class. The other would drag him up to act as a demonstration model. Adding on the fact that he had training every night, every day when Ning An returned to the dorms, he was so tired that he didn’t even want to lift a finger.

“Your complexion looks really bad.” On the other side of the terminal, Ning Meng was wearing a face mask and painting her nails. The rabbit ears on her headband flopped with her movements, making people want to pinch them. “Your dark circles are so heavy and you also look very haggard. Brother, tell me the address of your dorm and I’ll send you some skincare products.”

“Do you think I still have the time to do skincare?” Paralysed on the bed, Ning An let out a big yawn. “It’s just dark circles, they don’t bother me.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Don’t yawn at me with your mouth open like that.” Ning Meng was a little disgusted and wanted to frown, but then remembered that she was still wearing a face mask and hence held it back. She then extended her fingers and gently blew on her freshly painted nails. “Didn’t you say you didn’t want to go to military school? How come you’re now putting in so much effort?”

“Dfmjerf P kjca ab yf olgra lc atf ugjvf.”

Rlcu Zfcu vlvc’a rqfjx obg j ibcu alwf. Qlat atf wjrx ralii bc tfg ojmf, rtf fzqgfrrlbcifrris rjlv, “P atlcx atja sbe flatfg tjnfc’a kbxfc eq sfa, bg sbe’nf pera ubcf mgjhs.”

Vtf tjv rqfmljiis lcdelgfv jybea atf wlilajgs rmtbbi’r fzjw mbcafcar. Lbk mbeiv rtf cba xcbk ktja tfg bkc ygbatfg kjr ilxf? Utsrlmji olacfrr kjr bcf bo tlr yluufra kfjxcfrrfr. Ejatfg atjc ufaalcu olgra lc atf sfjg, Rlcu Zfcu ofia atja la kbeiv jigfjvs yf qgfaas ubbv lo Rlcu Cc mbeiv qjrr atf fzjw.

“We must believe in miracles. Besides, I’m also your brother. Can’t you even encourage me a little?”

“It is exactly because you’re my brother, do you think I don’t know you well?” However, it was good that Ning An had enthusiasm, so she no longer rained on his parade. “Just be aware of your limits and take care of your health.”

She was a little distressed when she saw that Ning An could barely keep his eyes open. “Brother, you should just send me your address. If mother sees you like this, she will be worried to death.”

“Ah, okay.” Ning An rubbed his eyes and sent Ning Meng the location of his dorm. “Didn’t you want to get your beauty sleep? You’re still not sleeping?”

What beauty sleep? It’s clearly you who’s tired to death. Ning Meng finished painting the nails on her other hand and faked a yawn. “Then let’s stop chatting. Contact me again when you receive my stuff tomorrow.”

Ning Meng and Ning An’s schools were both in the Capital Star and weren’t far from each other. At most, the items would take half a day to be delivered.

“Alright, talk to you tomorrow.” After Ning Meng saw Ning An’s face disappear from her terminal screen, she let out a breath and turned her head towards her roommate who was sitting on the bed. “Fu Yue Yue, is your brother also in military school? Can you help me ask what the reward is for getting first in the year?”

Ning Meng thought over it and still felt that there was a problem.

“Okay.” Fu Yue estimated that Fu Ke should be in his dorm at this time and sent a message to confirm.

Receiving Fu Yue’s message, Fu Ke tilted his head and looked at Derek. “Is there any reward for being first in the year?”

“I think there’s a scholarship or something?” Derek held out a few fingers. “It’s also quite a lot of money.”

Neither of them had any thoughts on the scholarship. Fu Ke still truthfully replied to Fu Yue, also adding a sentence. [Why do you care so much about my school?] Last time was also like this. Fu Yue had asked about the school’s academic program arrangement and also the contents of the exam, making Fu Ke think that Fu Yue also wanted to sneak into this school.

[In any case, it’s not like I want to go to military school. I’m just asking for a roommate. Alright, there’s nothing else. I’m getting my beauty sleep. Goodnight.] Fu Yue quickly sent back a message and then switched off her terminal. She told Ning Meng the matter regarding the scholarship and also teased:

“Ning Meng Meng, why are you so concerned about the military school? Could it be that you fancy someone there?”

“It’s all because of my worrisome older brother.” Ning Meng spread moisturising cream onto her face in front of the mirror. Actually, Ning An was very stubborn. He refused to say anything every time she asked. He also threw a fit when their father decided to send him to military school. “It would be good if he could be as outstanding as your brother.”

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