Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ning An’s combat military instructor was called Song Xing. During class, because Ning An was caught chatting with He Xin, he was honoured with being called up to act as a punching bag and teaching material for incorrect combat actions. By the time lunch arrived, his hands were bruised all over and his entire body was sore. This was the result even after Song Xing carefully controlled his strength.

“Student Ning An, you need to increase your training. With your current level, I can knock you down even without exerting any strength.”

Instructor Song kindly reminded him after class, causing Ning An’s face to scrunch up as though he ate a bitter gourd.

“I feel like I’m about to fall apart.” Unlike usual, Ning An only drank half of the nutrition pack before setting it to one side. He massaged the bruised area on his wrist. “Am I really that weak?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
You only just realised? The other three glanced at him and then silently continued to eat their lunch.

“Rb bcf lr ragbcu ogbw atf nfgs rajga.” Qjcu Tl ibbxfv ja Rlcu Cc’r klialcu jqqfjgjcmf. Lf rffwfv ilxf tf vlvc’a fnfc lcafcv ab olclrt vglcxlcu atf batfg tjio bo tlr ceaglalbc qjmx. Vfflcu atlr, Qjcu Tl ralii ujnf j ofk kbgvr bo mbwobga yjrfv bc atf qglcmlqifr bo rbilvjglas jcv oglfcvrtlq. “Pa’r cba abb ijaf ab rajga agjlclcu ogbw abvjs bckjgvr.”

“Hello, how was class today?” Derek was a little surprised when he saw the nutrition packs in front of Ning An and He Xin. “Are you guys only eating this?”

“This is pretty tasty ah. It’s obviously liquid, but I can feel full after drinking it. It’s really a wonderful invention.” He Xin wanted to try all the flavours of the nutrition packs. “It also has a lot of different flavours. Student Liszt, do you want to try?”

“Indeed, it’s a good invention.” Derek had once tried it before. Recalling it, he only felt that his tongue was in pain. He would only choose to drink a nutrition pack as a last resort and if it was absolutely necessary. “But I’m good for now.”

He Xin also remembered that Derek was different from him. Something like a nutrition pack was definitely a common thing for him. Feeling slightly foolish, He Xin awkwardly laughed and continued to drink the nutrition pack in his hand.

Ning An made a sour expression and drank the rest of the nutrition pack. Derek noticed the bruises on his wrists and commented, “It looks like Student Ning An’s class didn’t go so well.”

“I was dragged up to be a punching bag.” Ning An drank some water to rinse out the residual taste in his mouth. That flavour reminded him of the one time Ning Meng made mixed fruit pulp. “I’m really worried that every class will be like this from now on.”

“Maybe if you lie low and behave, the military instructor won’t keep his eyes on you.” Chen Si Yu’s class wasn’t far from Ning An’s, so he also saw everything that happened in their class.

“But it might also be a good thing.” Wang Yi polished the last bit of food off his plate. In class today, there were always several eager students following behind their instructor. Wang Yi still had quite a few combat moves that he wasn’t sure if he executed accurately, but he didn’t have the chance to ask. “You should seize this opportunity to let the military instructor give you a private lesson.”

“Student Wang Yi also doesn’t sound very happy.” Derek directly sat down at their table. “Student Wang Yi is in Class 1 right?”

His idol not only remembered his name, but also knew which class he was in! The little envy in Wang Yi’s heart was extinguished. “Yes. It’s just a trivial matter. I’ll be better after I go do some more training at night.”

“Oh, that’s right, are you guys are coming to the training ground tonight?” Derek ate very fast, finishing most of his meal while he talked. He was currently using a piece of bread to clean off the remaining sauce on his plate. “Hm, how come Fu Ke still hasn’t come over?” Saying this, Derek looked around for Fu Ke.

Finding Fu Ke wasn’t hard at all as he was always the centre of attention. Derek found him without much effort, but it seemed like his path was blocked by someone.

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