Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

“Ah, no, that’s not it. I saw you two standing here at the gymnasium and thought that you were……” Having mistaken them for new students, the other person felt quite embarrassed and revealed a shy expression. “My name is Yuan Xu. I’m a student here. Since you guys are here on vacation, do you want to take a look around our school? Of course, if you have other urgent matters to attend to, I can……”

“Hey, isn’t this Yuan Xu? What are you doing here?” He Yan came from behind and looped an arm around Yuan Xu’s neck. “Yo, what have you guys been talking about?”

“Senior, keep a safe distance please.” Yuan Xu removed He Yan’s arm from his shoulder. “Senior, do you guys know each other?”

“What senior? So formal. Didn’t you used to call me Jie Jie like He Xiao Xin?” He Yan slapped him in the back of the head. “These two are He Xin’s friends. They came here to play. This kid is Yuan Xu; he lives next door to uncle’s place.”

“Hey, since you two are already here, do you want to take a look at the scenic hotspot in our school? Last time when a tour group had specially brought some people over, I led them over. I know the place with the best angle to take pictures.”

“Okay, sure.” Ning Meng immediately accept He Yan’s proposal. Ning An didn’t object and simply followed them.

“Yuan Xu, do you want to come and eat with us at my uncle’s house for lunch? You and He Xin haven’t seen each other in a long time, right?” He Yan turned to Yuan Xu and said. “I’ll tell uncle that we’re having a barbecue tonight.”

“That’s settled, you must show up.” He Yan didn’t wait for Yuan Xu to respond and simply walked ahead with Ning Meng.

Yuan Xu helplessly smiled and whispered to Ning An: “Senior just has this kind of character.”

Ning An smiled and followed after Ning Meng.

With He Yan’s decision, they set up a self-service barbecue rack in the yard at night. Having never experienced this kind of setting before, Ning Meng stopped taking pictures and directly transmitted Fu Yue a live broadcast. Seeing this, Fu Yue could only salivate while reminding herself that she was on a diet.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Lf Wlc tfiqfv klat gbjralcu atf wfja. Vfflcu Gfgfx rfcv bnfg j nlvfb mjii lcnlajalbc, tf jmmfqafv la klatbea wemt atbeuta. “Lfiib, tjnf sbe fjafc?” Lf Wlc gjlrfv atf jgw atja kjr kfjglcu atf afgwlcji ktlif tlr batfg tjcv mbcalcefv ab oilq atf rxfkfgr.

“P’nf fjafc, ktja jgf sbe vblcu gluta cbk?” Gfgfx cbalmfv atja Lf Wlc vlvc’a rffw ab yf lcvbbgr. “Cgf sbe ajxlcu j kjix bearlvf?”

“We’re having a barbecue!” He Xin rotated the camera lens to show the meat roasting on the rack. “This is my family’s yard. Next time, if you aren’t busy, you’re also welcome to come and play.”

“Okay.” Derek replied with a smile, but then his eyes keenly noticed the two people walking behind He Xin while chatting and laughing. “Ning An is also there with you? Who’s that beside him?”

“Ah? You saw him?” He Xin turned around and took a glance before continuing to flip the meat skewers. “Ning An and his little sister came over to play. That is my neighbour. My cousin invited him over. Is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing. Then I won’t disturb you. I also need to go training.” Derek had initially wanted to use the break time after dinner to see how He Xin was doing. Unexpectedly seeing Ning An with him, he wondered whether he should tell this to Fu Ke.

The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I'm Pretending to be a BTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon