Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Under certain stressful circumstances, an Omega may experience a sudden onset of estrus. This was the case for Xu Yu Sheng. He had thought that the injuries he received from his fight with Ning An weren’t much of an issue. Even when he realised that his whole body was covered in bruises while taking a shower, he had simply applied some medicine and massaged them.

How could he possibly be beaten by an insignificant crane tail into the infirmary? He would never let anyone question his abilities. Hence, on the next day, he appeared in the training ground as usual.

But today, his senses were clearly different. The sweat flowing from the Alphas in the training ground was just like poison. Although the scents of the pheromones were very faint, it was like they were coming from all directions, suppressing him and making it difficult for him to breathe.

He knew exactly what this reaction was. Quickly bidding farewell to his friends, he turned and left the training ground. The inhibitors he had prepared for this month have already been used up, but fortunately, he would always have a spare just in case.

Now he just needed to find an empty location and wait for the heat to pass. In a state of panic, he didn’t pay attention to where he was going or what was in front of him, bumping into some people at the corner of the teaching building.

“Sorry……” Xu Yu Sheng squinted and tried to identify these people. He wanted to break away from this group and leave, but evidently, they didn’t intend to let this happen.

“Yo, isn’t this that Beta who’s first in the grade.” Xu Yu Sheng recognised the voice as someone from the Alpha ‘brotherhood’. His heart immediately sank. “How did you become like this? To actually be beaten to this state by a crane tail.”

“……Please let me through. I have an urgent matter to attend to.” Xu Yu Sheng tried to get past them and leave, but he was yanked back and pushed to the ground.

“No matter what urgent matter you have, you also can’t bump into someone and just leave, right?”

“I already apologised.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“You think it’s enough to just apologise?”

“Vfflcu sbeg ofiibk raevfcar, sbe vbc’a fnfc ulnf j ugffalcu, yea lcrafjv yewq ragjluta lcab atfw. Tbe wera tjnf vbcf atlr bc qegqbrf, gluta?”

We Te Vtfcu kjr erejiis jirb nfgs kliv, jcv atf qfbqif bo atf ‘ygbatfgtbbv’ tjv yffc ectjqqs klat tlw obg j ibcu alwf. Lbk mbeiv atfs ifa ub bo tlw rb fjrlis ktfc atfs olcjiis byajlcfv atlr bqqbgaeclas abvjs.

Seeing the group of people surround him, Xu Yu Sheng knew that he couldn’t talk his way out of this situation. Usually, he wouldn’t be afraid at all. However, today’s circumstances were special……

Someone sensed something peculiar and doubtfully sniffed the air around them. “Why do I feel like I smell a……”

Ning An suddenly rushed out and madly sprayed the large bottle of moisturising spray that Ning Meng had given him into the faces of those people. He then pulled up Xu Yu Sheng who was still sitting on the ground in a daze and ran.

Instructor Qin’s dirty move was really quite good. Ning An held his parcel box in one hand and dragged Xu Yu Sheng along with the other, rushing into the teaching building. He found an empty classroom with the lights turned off and dashed inside. Shutting the door, he then leaned against it and listened to that group of people curse as they ran past before letting out a sigh of relief. When he intended to open the door and leave, the hem of his shirt was firmly grasped and pulled back.

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