Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

“You guys got into a group fight ah, and you’re also all military school students. Although you don’t have much of a reputation, these two do.” Qin Zhao pointed at Fu Ke and Derek. “You two were recognised by some people; this incident also became so big. The school’s reputation would be damaged if others find out about this matter. Hence, us military instructors were notified to come and deal with this. Because of you youngsters, I can’t go to my blind date tonight.”

“What’s the big deal? Anyway, your blind dates have all been failures so far……” Ning An mumbled to himself.

“Student Ning An, it seems that you’ve finished all your vacation homework?” Qin Zhao made a light threat before looking around, seeming like he was trying to find someone. “I heard that there’s also a student from Beta Class 4? Their military instructor can’t come over for the time being. Where’s that Class 4 student?”

“He’s still in the treatment cabin.”

“Instructor Qin, what’s the school’s approach on handling this matter?” Even an instructor had come over. Fu Ke and Derek realised the seriousness of this incident.

“We’re mainly seeing how the Control Centre would handle this. However, I’m really surprised. The Control Centre staff think very highly of Ning An. They said that his actions were just reasonable self-defence and that it was the other person who first drunkenly started this incident. There were also Omegas present, right?” When Qin Zhao received the news and came over, he had thought that he would need to defend Ning An, but who could have imagined that there was simply no need at all. “They said that this was the second time he had heroically saved someone.”

Ning An didn’t know that Peng Hong Hui was a blabbermouth. One time at a group gathering, he had gotten a little drunk and grabbed people to tell them about the time Ning An had subdued an Alpha and helped an Omega in the shopping mall. Pretty much all the members of the Control Centre strike team now knew about it.

“I just don’t want to let anyone bully my sister.” Although he didn’t know what was going on, Ning An was still happy with the praise.

In the end, Ning An and the others only had to go through half an hour of disciplinary education before they could leave. As for the few who started this incident, not only did they need to receive a week’s worth of disciplinary education at the Control Centre, the school would also punish them for their actions. Their parents also hurried over when they heard of the news.

“I didn’t expect that it would end up like this.” Ning An felt the most apologetic for Chen Si Yu. He was the one who had invited him out and caused him to suffer a beating. “I’m really sorry.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“No one could have expected it. It’s not your fault.” Chen Si Yu was extremely energetic after coming out of the treatment cabin. “Besides, how can I possibly watch the girls get bullied without doing anything? But unfortunately, this hero didn’t succeed in saving the beauties.”

“Vl Te Xf, ktfc sbe rabbv eq lc ogbca bo er, sbe kfgf nfgs mbbi!” Me Tef revvfcis rjlv. “Ktjcx sbe.”

“P’w nfgs tjqqs ab yf jyif ab gfmflnf j ulgi’r mbwqilwfca. P tbqf atja atlr lrc’a pera ab mbwobga wf.” Jtfc Vl Te’r ojatfg tjv jigfjvs mbwf bnfg joafg gfmflnlcu atf cfkr. Jtfc Vl Te kjnfv ubbvysf ab fnfgsbcf yfobgf ifjnlcu bc atf oislcu mjg.

“Thank you.” Ning An was initially walking in front with Ning Meng. He deliberately slowed down his pace to walk next to Fu Ke. “Thank you for helping me block that hit.”

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