Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

Ning An didn’t know what Ning Meng had said, but on the day before his birthday, he received several VIP tickets for the biggest amusement park in the Capital Star.

“Honestly speaking, I think I’m already past the age of going to the amusement park for my birthday.” Ning An waved the few tickets in his hand as he grumbled to He Xin. The latter’s backdrop was of the busy farm.

“In our parents’ hearts, we will always be children.” He Xin pushed away the lamb that was rubbing against him. “I also want to go play at the amusement park, but we need to make preparations for the festival. Ah, you can’t do that, naughty.”

The screen shook for a moment. When Ning An could clearly see what was happening on the other side, He Xin was already sitting on the ground with that lamb climbing all over him.

“It really likes you.” Ning An knew that he couldn’t just call He Xin to come over from so far away. He also lost contact with Wang Yi as soon as the holidays started. “I invited Chen Si Yu. I still have two tickets left, but I don’t know who to find.”

“It’s too naughty.” He Xin rubbed the lamb’s fur. “Perhaps you can invite Student Xu Yu Sheng. Student Fu Ke and Derek are also in the Capital Star, right?”

“Okay, I’ll try sending them a message.” Ning An ended the call after expressing that he really wanted to feed that cute little sheep.

Seeing that food and entertainment was provided, Xu Yu Sheng directly agreed to come.

Derek didn’t reply to his message. He also seemed to have disconnected from the network. Ning An guessed that he probably wouldn’t reply to his message.

There was also no movement from Fu Ke for a long time. Just when Ning An thought that he also wasn’t going to reply, he sent over an ‘okay’.

Ning An let out a sigh of relief.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Lbkfnfg, tf atfc lwwfvljafis yfmjwf raeccfv.

Lf rffwfv ab tjnf obgubaafc atja Me Bf jcv We Te Vtfcu rtbeiv cbk yf j mbeqif, gluta? Me Bf wera tjnf ubcf ab jrx We Te Vtfcu ktfatfg tf rtbeiv ub.

“P gfjiis jw j obbi ktb’r yibmxlcu wsrfio.” Rlcu Cc uibbwlis yeglfv tlwrfio lc atf qlif bo qliibkr bc tlr yfv.

However, Ning An didn’t know how rich Fu Ke’s thoughts were after he received the message.

The doubt when he first received the message, the disbelief when he confirmed the sender, and the delight when he read the contents.

The amusement park. Fu Ke remembered that Derek had mentioned this was one of the holy places for dating. Ning An was inviting him to go to the amusement park! The golden words of the confession he memorised could finally be put to good use!

The background music in the training room should be changed to Ode to Joy to better express his current mood.

There was nothing more pleasant than being in love.

“Ning Meng Meng, let me tell you, I think there’s definitely something going on with my brother!” Ning Meng quietly lowered the volume of her earphones and pulled her screen towards her. “What is it? Also, shouldn’t you be a little quieter? Aren’t you afraid that your brother would hear you?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Do you know what he asked me just now? He actually asked me what clothes he should wear for a date? A date ah. I can’t believe I could actually hear the word ‘date’ come out of his mouth in my lifetime.” Words were no longer enough to describe Fu Yue’s shock. She nearly knocked over a row of perfume from her dressing table. “Ah, God, I must see which holy saint has captured my brother.”

“Uh huh.” Ning Meng was naturally also interested. After all, Fu Ke was considered to be greatly sought after in their Omega circle. “But do you know when it’ll be? And also the location?”

“I know the time. It’s just, aiyah, it seems like it’s on the day of your birthday ah…… Hey hey hey, Ning Meng Meng. Can you……”

“No, you already promised me. You can’t take it back.” Ning Meng had already made plans with Fu Yue, Qiu Yan and the others. “Besides, it’s not bad this time. If there really is something going on, you’re still afraid that you wouldn’t be able to see your brother’s partner?”

“You’re right. Don’t worry, sister. We will definitely be the most beautiful dolls in the entire amusement park on your birthday!” Fu Yue thought about it and felt that their ‘beautiful plastic sisters’ friendship was still more important.

Then, she saw her dressed up brother at the entrance of the amusement park. Ning Meng and the others had already gone in. Fu Ke revealed an awkward but polite smile to Fu Ke and left immediately after saying hello. Clearly, it was a date, but why did his expression look even scarier than normal?

“Sorry ah, we need to wait a bit.” Ning An ended the call and walked over. “Xu Yu Sheng will be here soon. Chen Si Yu was licked by his family’s dog in the morning and got covered in saliva, so he’ll take a while to wash up. How about when Xu Yu Sheng comes, you guys can go in first?” It would also save him from watching the pair and feeling uncomfortable.

“It’s okay.” The two person date he had initially imagined suddenly had two extra light bulbs. The difference between imagination and reality would always make people feel frustrated.

However, it also couldn’t be that four big men would play together in the amusement park, right? After everyone arrives, they would certainly split up. After thinking of this point, Fu Ke finally felt a little better.

Xu Yu Sheng arrived while they were talking. After greeting Ning An, he then noticed that Fu Ke was standing beside him and suddenly had the desire to take a taxi back home.

Xu Yu Sheng: I seem to smell the scent of dog food. May I ask if I still have time to leave?

Facts proved that it was too late. When Ning An saw him, it was like he saw a saviour.

“How about you two go in first?” Ning An had already sent the electronic tickets to them. He shifted a little to the side to vacate the space next to Fu Ke. However, Xu Yu Sheng didn’t go over and maintained a distance from Fu Ke.

“I was wrong. I don’t think my brother understands what the word ‘date’ means at all.” Carefully observing the entrance, Fu Yue suddenly felt that her behaviour was a little foolish. She took the ice cream that Ning Meng offered her. “Thank you sister. I think we should go on the big pendulum ride to shake off my unrealistic expectations of my brother.”

“Maybe we should take it step by step. How about we first go on the carousel or the tea cup ride?” The ice cream was sprinkled with pecans. Ning Meng also glanced at the entrance. “There’s no time to lose. Let’s go now.”

“Of course, sister. Oh, I like the nuts on this.”

Chen Si Yu finally showed up. “Sorry I’m late. I didn’t expect that my mother would actually let the dog into my room. There is nothing worse than being licked awake my a dog’s dripping wet tongue.”

“Then now I’ll give you a chance to save your terrible day.” Before Chen Si Yu arrived, Ning An felt that the three of them had sunk into a strange circle of awkwardness. Chen Si Yu’s arrival broke this atmosphere.

“Hey, are the four of us going to walk around together? Isn’t that too weird? Would it be better if we paired up?” Xu Yu Sheng took the lead and walked to Chen Si Yu’s side. “How about us two go together? I think you shouldn’t be afraid of haunted houses and pirate ships, right?”

“Of course not. Then, let’s leave first?” Chen Si Yu actually didn’t mind who he paired up with, but compared with an Alpha like Fu Ke, he was more willing to be with the Betas Xu Yu Sheng or Ning An.

“I don’t have a problem with that.” How could Fu Ke have a problem? He was hoping that this would happen.

“I’m also fine with that.” Although Ning An was puzzled, he also didn’t object to it. Could it be that the two of them had a fight? When he returned to reality, he realised that Fu Ke’s face was almost touching his nose. “What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing.” Ning An took a step back and quickly turned around. “Let’s also head in.”

Awkward, so awkward, indescribably awkward.

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