Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

“Are we leaving Fu Ke by himself? Isn’t that not really good ah?” He Xin let Derek drag him as he glanced back and saw Fu Ke walking into another entrance.

“It’s fine, he’s not a child. In any case, he won’t get lost.” Derek used his terminal to scan the bar code at the gate and load up the aquarium map and show times. “Alright, don’t worry about him. What should we look at first? How about the jellyfish?”

“Okay, and also the penguins!”

“Then we better get a move on.”

Ning An and Qiu Yan first entered the ocean tunnel. The lights along the side of the pathway gently lit up the ocean. From above the arc, all kinds of sea creatures swam past.

They used their terminals to take pictures and the staff members at the venue also introduced each species. Ning An ate the biscuits as he read the information of each animal. Qiu Yan seemed a little absent-minded, glancing over at Ning An from time to time.

“The biscuits taste really good. Did you make them yourself?” Ning An also noticed that Qiu Yan seemed to have something on his mind.

“Ah, yes. It’s good that you like them.” Hearing Ning An talk to him, Qiu Yan’s head jolted up in alarm and looked at him, but then he quickly avoided his gaze.

It was now the opening time for the penguin park. Visitors could put on special protective clothing to enter the park and take pictures with the penguins. There was also a limit to the number of people who could enter each day, so most people chose to go to the penguin park first. In contrast, the tunnel didn’t have many people.

The soft dim light struck the side of Ning An’s face, making his features even more prominent. Qiu Yan secretly glanced at him and lowered his head in embarrassment. So handsome ah…… If we hold hands here, would it be……

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Is something wrong?” Ning An stopped walking. “You’ve been looking at me all day. Is there something you want to say?”

“Ct? Fw……” Vegf fcbeut, tf kjr ralii abb bynlber. Hle Tjc cfgnberis mieamtfv tlr tjcvr abufatfg jcv atfc ibbrfcfv atfw. “P-P gfjiis vb tjnf rbwfatlcu ab rjs. Ktja……”

Obbxlcu ja Rlcu Cc’r fsfr, Hle Tjc revvfcis mbeivc’a rjs la bea. Pc atf fcv, tf ralii rewwbcfv eq tlr mbegjuf jcv rtea tlr fsfr, cba vjglcu ab ibbx ja Rlcu Cc. “P-P ilxf Rlcu Cc Xf. Jjc Rlcu Cc Xf ub bea klat wf?”

“……” Ning An slightly pursed his lips and was just about to reply when he suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure flitting past in the corner of his eye. He couldn’t believe what he just saw, but at the same time, he also felt that it was quite ridiculous. “This isn’t the place to talk. Let’s change to another location before I answer you.”

After saying this, he pulled Qiu Yan’s hand before he could even react and quickly left the tunnel, disappearing into the crowd.

“The penguins are so cute ah.” Right after they finished taking photos in the penguin park and came out, He Xin excitedly flipped through the pictures on his terminal. Although the protective clothing covered up their entire bodies such that only their faces could be seen, He Xin still cheerfully posed for a lot of photos with the penguins.

“Hm?” The photos were all transferred to him by the staff members. He Xin suddenly flipped to a photo of Derek feeding the penguins. It seemed like the photo was accidentally captured. Carefully glancing at Derek to make sure he wasn’t looking, he secretly saved the picture to an untitled photo album.

Derek also asked the staff members to send a copy of the photos to himself. After contently flipping through the photos and saving them, he then looked over at He Xin. “Yes, they all like you very much.” Actually, you’re even cuter than them.

“Really? I was so afraid that they would bite me that my hands were shaking when I was feeding them.” He Xin loaded up the map. “Where should we go next?”

“Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something first and rest a bit?”

“I’m okay. Um, those girls seem like they want to take a photo with you. I’ll excuse myself for a bit?” He Xin didn’t wait for Derek to reply and simply walked to the side.

He noticed those girls when they were lining up at the penguin park. After he left, one of the girls was pushed forward in front of Derek. He Xin couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they seemed to be very happy. Sure enough, Derek was really popular ah.

“Let’s go to the ocean tunnel.” Derek looked at his terminal and suggested after the group of girls left. “Next time, don’t abandon me and go off on your own.”

“Huh? Oh, okay.” He Xin momentarily couldn’t react. Perhaps being too popular was also troublesome. “Ocean tunnel. Okay, let’s go.”

There were now more people in the ocean tunnel, but because the space was big, it didn’t seem too crowded. He Xin looked left and right, feeling fascinated by everything he saw.

“Don’t run around. ” Derek suddenly grabbed He Xin’s hand. “What happens if you get lost?”

“I’m not a child. How can I get lost? Besides, I also have the map.” He Xin was stunned for a moment and then broke out into a smile. At this moment, someone came up to Derek again. He Xin shook his hand to try and get away, but Derek had no intention of letting go.

“Can I help you with something? Little miss?” Derek maintained a smile as he looked at the girl, but his grip on He Xin’s hand became even tighter.

“That, can I add you as a friend on my terminal? Or perhaps take a photo with you?”

“Hey, let go.” He Xin whispered and shook his hand, but he failed to shake Derek off.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that ah, little miss.” Derek turned a deaf ear to He Xin’s words. “I already have a partner. If I add such a cute young lady like you, then I’m afraid that he wouldn’t be too happy. I’m sorry.”

“Ah? Then excuse me, sorry for disturbing you.” The girl was still in a bubbly mood as she walked away. He Xin even heard that group quietly discuss ‘The real person is so handsome ah’, ‘I wonder what his partner is like?’, ‘Could it be the Xiao Ge Ge next to him? He’s also very cute’, ‘You should have also asked for that Xiao Ge Ge’s contact details……’.

“What’s wrong?” After the girls left, Derek turned to look at He Xin who was in a daze. He gently flicked his forehead. “Your expression is even more foolish than the penguins.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. I was lost in thought.” He Xin immediately snapped out of it. “Right, you just said that you had a partner. Who……” No, he shouldn’t stick his nose in other people’s business……

“I lied to them, but there really is someone I like. It’s just that I don’t know if that person will accept me.”

“You’re so outstanding. You definitely won’t get rejected.” He Xin’s laugh was a little forced. For an excellent Alpha like Derek, there shouldn’t be anyone who wouldn’t like him, right?

“That’s not for sure. It seems like that little fool still hasn’t realised that I like him.” Derek suddenly raised his hands to He Xin’s cheeks and pulled up the corners of his mouth. “I like seeing you smile like this. When you smile, you’re just like a little ball of sunshine. I really don’t want you to smile like this towards anyone else.”

He Xin’s brain had already stopped working. He simply let Derek play with his face.

“Hello? Idiot He Xin, are you willing to be my little sunshine?”

“Wait, the person you like is……”

“It’s you ah. This guy called He Xin, whose smile is super cute, but is quite foolish, are you willing to be my boyfriend?”

The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I'm Pretending to be a BTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon