Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

In the end, Ning An still signed up as a volunteer for the public visit day. With the addition of this training, it was even harder for Fu Ke to find him. It was even to the point that he started behaving abnormally in the training ground, causing many students to wonder if his aggression was because he had gone into rut.

“You’re not doing so well?” With the mentality of a classmate who’s helping out a friend, Xu Yu Sheng sat down next to Fu Ke during his break. “I suggest that you first give yourself an inhibitor shot.”

“What’s wrong?” Fu Ke didn’t quite understand.

“Your pheromones. If you’re not close to your rut period, then it’s best that you control it. Haven’t you always controlled it very well before?” The stronger an Alpha was, the better they were at controlling their pheromones. Fu Ke currently seemed to be a little out of control. “It’s a little too oppressive. My friends have all been affected by it.”

“Sorry, I’ve been a little agitated. I will control it well. Thank you for notifying me.”

“Ning An’s been quite busy recently. Have you still not found a chance to tell him yet?”

“No. I also think he’s hiding from me.” Fu Ke’s mood violently fluctuated. His pheromones released into the air suddenly caused people to find it hard to breathe. Fu Ke quickly controlled it and apologised: “Sorry, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Xu Yu Sheng secretly rejoiced that after what happened last semester, all the inhibitors he bought were of extremely high purity. Although his legs momentarily went weak, there were no other symptoms. Sure enough, you get what you pay for.

Xu Yu Sheng didn’t quite know how to comfort people. In the end, he simply patted Fu Ke’s shoulder to cheer him on.

The public visit day soon arrived.

“Ge, Ge! I’m here!” Ning Meng was wearing a uniform-like dress and her long hair was tied up in a high ponytail, making her look particularly sharp. When Ning An walked up to her, she also spun around on the spot. “Ge, how do I look?”

“Good. You look good in anything your wear.” Ning An pampered her a little and then turned to greet Fu Yue. “You also came?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“P’w atf rjwf jr Rlcu Zfcu Zfcu. P mjwf tfgf ab rff ws ygbatfg. P’ii yf tfjvlcu boo olgra.” Vfflcu Rlcu Zfcu jcv Rlcu Cc’r lcalwjaf lcafgjmalbc, Me Tef kjr rlwqis fjalcu nlcfujg. Vtf vlvc’a kjca ab mbcalcef offilcu pfjiber, rb rtf kjnfv ubbvysf ab atf akb jcv vlrjqqfjgfv lcab atf mgbkv.

“Ge, you’re also a volunteer?” Ning Meng pulled the tag around Ning An’s neck to make him lower his head. She then whispered into his ear, “Ge, you’re not together with Qiu Yan?”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” After they came back from the aquarium, Qiu Yan had another conversation with him and made things clear between them. “Want me to give you a tour around our school?”

“Okay.” Ning Meng agreed and let go of the tag, but then she made Ning An lower his head again and said in a very small voice: “Then you and ……”

“Can you speak a little louder?” Ning An didn’t hear the name that Ning Meng said. He slightly frowned. “I couldn’t hear you properly.”

“Oh, it’s nothing, just forget about it.” Ning Meng seemed a little embarrassed and pulled Ning An forward. “Let’s go. It’s my first time being inside the military school.”

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