Chapter 5

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Wang Yi and Chen Si Yu heard that Fu Ke and Derek would be speaking on behalf of the first years. In order to be closer to their idols, they found seats in the middle of the first row. Having only come to buy soy sauce, Ning An decided to sit in the corner of the back row with He Xin, who couldn’t stop worrying about him. Ning An has never enjoyed listening to these types of leadership talks. After only listening for a short while, he drowsily wanted to sleep under He Xin’s cover. When Fu Ke went on stage and saw Ning An nodding off in the corner like a chicken pecking rice, he unknowingly frowned.

“Hello everyone. My name is Fu Ke.” When Fu Ke walked on stage, the students started to spontaneously applaud. Standing beside him, the headmaster and the director of teaching joked, “Ah, it’s now the age of the young. Us old folks didn’t even receive such a warm welcome when we walked on stage.” Fu Ke waited for the audience to quieten down before continuing. “I know many of you have heard my name before, but here in this school, I am just an ordinary student like the rest of you.”

“You have all been admitted through your own efforts and hard work. I believe everyone should know our school’s acceptance ratio. At it’s lowest, it was 1 in 500. This means that everyone sitting here has beaten at least 500 other people to be able to sit here today.” Now and then, he glanced towards Ning An, who still looked like he was half asleep. “But this is just the beginning. In the future, the competition will only get more intense. I believe everyone has already made proper preparations.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“If there’s a winner, there’s bound to be a loser. A qualified soldier should be humble in victory and gracious in defeat. Everyone has something they can do. You just need to find your own position. We must strive and work hard, but we also can’t forget to take care of our health.” He once again looked at Ning An. As before, the latter still looked like he was having an out of body experience. Fu Ke really wanted to break open his skull to find out what he was thinking. Don’t tell me he couldn’t make out that I was saying military school didn’t suit him? “Finally, I am very happy to be school mates with everyone. In our coming days, let us fight together!”


“Gb sbe offi j ilaaif yfaafg cbk?” Ktf rmtbbi alwfajyif tjr jigfjvs yffc rfca ab fjmt raevfca’r afgwlcji. Ktf gfwjlclcu alwf lc atf wbgclcu kjr ogff obg atfw ab jggjcuf atfwrfinfr. Ktfs kbeiv rajga atfbgs mijrr lc atf joafgcbbc jcv tjnf ogff alwf jujlc ja cluta. Snfgs vjs joafg atlr, la kjr gecclcu lc atf fjgis wbgclcu, atfbgs mijrr lc atf wbgclcu, jcv qtsrlmji agjlclcu mijrr lc atf joafgcbbc. Qtfc atfs gfjmt rfmbcv sfjg, atfgf kbeiv jirb yf jc jvvlalbcji qgjmalmji agjlclcu mijrr. Mgbw ibbxlcu ja atf alwf vlraglyealbc, atlr kjr ralii mbcrlvfgfv qgfaas gfijzfv. Coafg atf mfgfwbcs fcvfv, atf cfk raevfcar ifoa atf jrrfwyis tjii lc akbr jcv atgffr. Lf Wlc kjr ralii j ilaaif kbgglfv jybea Rlcu Cc’r mbcvlalbc.

“I’m okay.” Ning An also pretty much woke up. Looking left and right, he didn’t see Wang Yi or Chen Si Yu. “What about those two?”

“They seem to have gone to the training rooms. Why don’t we also go and take a look.” Unlike Ning An, He Xin had been earnestly listening to the presentations the entire time. At this moment, he was fired up and his blood was racing, excitedly looking forward to military school life.

“Right. Just now, was there anything important in the ceremony?” Ning An followed He Xin in an unhurried manner. Thinking back, he didn’t seem to have paid attention to anything.

“They just welcomed us and hoped that everyone would study well. Ah, right. The headmaster said that in order to motivate us students, starting from this year, he would award scholarships to the top 3 students in the year. Naturally, we are counted separately from Alphas.”

When Ning An heard the word ‘scholarship’, he immediately retracted his arms that were halfway through a stretch. His spirit rose in an instant as though he was injected with chicken blood. His eyes glistening, he asked, “How much?”

He Xin didn’t expect that Ning An would have such a big reaction. Hearing the approximate amount from He Xin, Ning An quickly started making calculations in his mind. If he could obtain the first place scholarship in the year, not only could he cover this year’s tuition fee and meal costs, if he only drank nutrition packs every day, he could also save some money on food expenses. Adding this onto his own savings, this was enough for him to buy a plot of land on Nong Mu Star!

Currently, organic food was a very popular trend. His money would definitely increase to several times more. When the time comes, he would spend a portion of it on expanding and increasing the scale. Another portion would be used to invest in other things. Walking on a prosperous road to a brilliant future wasn’t a dream!

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