“Yes ah. We’re all classmates.” Chen Si Yu took the initiative to continue the conversation. “These 3 are all very outstanding people.”

“Si Yu Ge, aren’t you also one?”

“I can’t compare with them.”

As they chatted, the others gradually joined in the conversation. When they started to talk about school, Ning An also said a few words when he was mentioned. Meanwhile, Fu Ke didn’t say a single word.

Pitiful Yu Tao. She kept trying to steer the conversation towards Fu Ke, but Derek would cut in every time and quickly divert the topic.

From the moment he sat down, Fu Ke had been paying attention to Ning An, as well as the youth opposite him who was constantly casting flirtatious glances at him, Qiu Yan. Qiu Yan affectionately called ‘Ning An Ge’ with every sentence, but Fu Ke only felt extremely uncomfortable while listening to him.

“You call him Ge, but what if he’s actually younger than you?”

The 7 other people all froze. After realising that Fu Ke was talking about him, Qiu Yan’s face paled. Biting his lip, he mumbled: “…… Sorry.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. I’m older than you.”

“Haha, I take good care of my brother every day. He looks very young, right?”

“He really does look young. When I first saw him in the dormitory, I thought that he had just come to send his family member.”

Everyone cooperated to smooth things over and finally diverted the topic. After the atmosphere became warm and friendly again, the others let out a sigh of relief. However, Fu Ke didn’t intend to let go of this matter.

Qiu Yan: “Ning An Ge, you’re so strong. No one can beat you at school, right?”

Fu Ke: “As if. He fought with someone until he got beaten all the way to the infirmary.”

Ning An: “……”

The others: “Aiyah, it’s not good to always fight. Studying combat should only be used for self-defence. We advocate peace; love and peace.”

Qiu Yan: “How’s the food at military school? What does Ning An Ge like to eat?”

Fu Ke: “The food is very good, but besides nutrition packs, he hasn’t eaten any other things before.”

Ning An: “……?”

The others: “How good are nutrition packs ah. There’s a lot of flavours and you can also save time to study more. I should also consider doing this for next semester.”

Qiu Yan: “What does Ning An Ge usually like to do?”

Fu Ke: “He likes to study.”

Ning An: “……??”

The others: “It’s good to like studying ah. I love studying. Studying makes me happy.”

After the conversation went back and forth a few times, even the ones with the slowest reactions also realised that something was wrong. Especially Qiu Yan. Fu Ke had shut him down every single time, causing him to be on the verge of tears and feeling like he’s sitting on pins and needles.

“There’s still some time before lunch. I happened to see a milk tea shop on the way here. Do you guys want to drink milk tea?” Breaking the silence, Derek then looked at Qiu Yan and Yu Tao. “I can’t carry so many myself. Would you two please come and help me?”

Although he said he needed help, it was just to temporarily bring the two of them away so that it would be easier for the rest of the people to talk.

After asking what each person wanted to drink, Yu Tao left with Qiu Yan and Derek.

“Student Fu Ke, please come over with me for a moment.” Seeing the three people leave, Ning An got rid of his fake smile. Rubbing his aching cheeks, he then stood up.

Fu Ke nodded and followed Ning An.

“What is wrong with you today?” After the two of them entered the bathroom one after another and confirmed that there was no one inside, Ning An sat against the vanity and questioned Fu Ke. “Do you think it’s fun to make someone cry?”

“You’re worried about him?” Fu Ke knew that his behaviour was indeed childish, but he didn’t regret it. “I don’t think he cried?”

“Couldn’t you see that he was on the verge of tears? The other person says a sentence and then you fire back with another sentence. Did you eat gunpowder before coming here?” Ning An felt that he was simply outrageous. “If you don’t control yourself, then just go back home.”

Fu Ke by no means wanted to leave. If he went back home, who knows what that Qiu Yan would do to Ning An. Every sentence was Ning An Ge this, Ning An Ge that. He’s asking questions as though he’s checking his personal information. Who couldn’t see what he was thinking?

“Do you like these kinds of events? Social gatherings and such?” Fu Ke once again thought of the scene the other day where Ning An was chatting with that person beside him and subconsciously frowned.

He completely didn’t realise that what he had said sounded like he was eating vinegar. Ning An also just thought that he was being an annoying troublemaker.

“What does that have to do with you? Don’t you feel that you’re overly concerned about other people’s business, Student Fu Ke?” Ning An loosened his collar. “What’s bad about everyone chatting and making friends? You’re so overbearing; are you trying to make everyone unhappy?”

I just don’t want to see you smile so happily towards other people.

Fu Ke didn’t say anything. Ning An also wasn’t bothered with him.

“I’ll say this clearly. Take a moment and think. If you still can’t control yourself, then just go back home.” Saying this, Ning An gave Fu Ke a glare before leaving the bathroom.

“I really don’t know what’s wrong with my brother today.” Fu Yue supported her head and looked in the direction of the bathroom. “He usually isn’t like this.”

Chen Si Yu nodded in agreement. From his impression, Fu Ke had always been refined and courteous, unlike today where he fired back at people as soon as he opened his mouth. Adding on the strange reaction between him and Ning An…… Chen Si Yu suddenly had a bold guess in his mind, but then he felt that he was just overthinking it.

“Yo, you ladies look pretty good. Do you want to play with us?”

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