First Lesson

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"Breath in-- exhale"

Your lungs filled up with air, holding it in, letting it go, repeating the steps, eyes closed, sitting up right, your mind clear in emptiness, trying to feel the ways of the force.

"Breathe in--exhale"

You opened your eyes, distracted, thinking this was all silly, you glanced at Kylo who was peaceful, his deeped eyelids closed as his hair draped over his face. He spoke softly,

"Stop staring and try to focus"

"I don't understand the practice"

Kylo opened his eyes, "the practice is meditation, it is to bring you into a relaxation state to connect with the force" he let out a deep breath "it takes time to understand and to find the right fitting. Why don't we move on to another subject"

He laid down objects, a silver sphere, a black cube and a quartz prism, he sat across from you while you observed the shapes. Your intuition wants to grasp the prism.

"Let's take small steps, something you could have a familiar feeling with" Kylo raised his hand as the cube piece lifted you watched in awe, Kylo formed his finger rotating them as the block followed his movement. He set the block back down,

"Now you try. Pick a shape you like"

You eyes focused on the prism, commanding to lift in with your mind

"Rise" you thought, raising your fingers, nothing you squinted holding your hand out, the object wobbled only to lose focus letting go of the grip. Trying again, the object budged but nothing else. Kylo sensed the trouble,

"You are frustrated, that is good but your frustration is focused on trying. Don't" you turned to Kylo, confused, he pressed his lips continuing "Don't think of it like a command, think of it as how you want to grab, think of your hand molding around the shape. Remember..."

You tried again on the prism visioning your hands molding around the shape, but again movement, you were in disbelief

"I'm not good at this"

"Don't be doubtful of yourself. You will get the hang of it"

You nodded, taking a deep breath, your eyes rolled over to the block, thinking it would be a simpler shape. You thought of it, the block rose up off the ground. Lifting it higher above your head, Kylo stayed silent, but you let go and dropped the block as it bounced away.

"Good" Kylo's voice startled you

"Good I let it fall?"

"No, good you tried" he made a small smile,

"The force has always been with you, you just didn't know it it is like an instinct a survival mechanism. You had used the hunt in a way or perhaps while piloting but you used to use the force as a way to move but then it was suppressed. You were punished

'Because I killed..." your mind wandered,

"I want to show you something" Kylo stood up, holding his hand out to help you up,

"Where are we going?"

"I figure you need a better connection"


A stream bubbled down, wind blew through the treetops, the air was warm the sun hitting you sweetly, your feet bare on the grass, sitting up right on a rock, eyes closed,

"Breath in -- exhale" your mind was clear, connecting with the force. You could sense your surroundings, the animals in the forest, the water life in the stream. Kylo watched your eyes open,

"Go for it" he said

Your mind focused on a round pale stone you were hesitant, but you thought your movement, the stone rose up, lifting it with ease. Kylo followed lifting one as well, continuing to lift others as he spoke calmly

"You will continue to grow I would be sure as your mentor and you my apprentice you will continue your studies"

"Any follow up questions"

"No sir...master..."

He a croked smiled formed,

"You can say my name"


"We will have our lessons in the morning and evenings but as an apprentice I encourage you to study alone. For you to understand how you can control the force your own way."


Returning back to the complex, Kylo's brain was swarmed with duties. You sat down in the small room with the objects as Kylo followed. Your memories went back to when you were small how you made things move. Thinking how you made the stones move. You concentrated on the prism. Visioning your hand around the object. It rose up wobbling at first from the dark tiles. Kylo watched from the door wayit continued to rise higher until it was above your head. He stayed quiet as you concentrated then you let it fall growing exhausted.

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