Don't You Dare

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Insects buzzed high up in the jungle, her olive tone skin sticky from the humidity, her chestnut hair draped over her shoulders. She tossed and turned, sensing a presence in her den,  her eyes unfolded , blurry but, she saw him standing in the corner with the cracked mask tall and annomonys,


She snapped awake, jolting nearly out of her flesh, panting hard as she looked around the dim room, her heart thudded when she heard the robotic voice. Her hands clutched the staff that was beside her, her eyes darted across the room not seeing him, her fingers rubbed the back of her neck. Forgetting what bothered her.

"Bad dream" she sighed, her fingers loosening its grip around the staff.

The jungle was hot, lively with squawks of birds high in the tree tops.Finn was waiting for his morning training, leaning against a rock wall twirling a vine with bright purple flowers in between his fingers. He wore a loose beige tunic with brown pants. His dark hair braided in thin cornrows. He heard the low grumbles of an animal in the jungle.  Rey stomped past him, her feet hitting the lush grounds huffing, a bag strapped across her body, with her long staffs against her back. Finn pushed off from the rock concerned, sensing her rambling emotions

"Rey, are you all right?"

She nodded sheepishly "Yeah fine, meditate first then practice"

She laid the bag down, on a stone pulling out the books and a case that belonged to Luke Skywalker, opening the case that held Luke's lightsaber. She voyaged back to the island after the illusion faded,  angered by what Kylo did to him and to Leia. Finn and Poe traveled with her, while she gathered what she could. Luke's lightsaber was damaged, having to repair it on her own. She observed and  learned about the parts for one day to build her very own. After Leia's death Finn and Rey were left to be taught independently; it hasn't been easy. Both aren't so strong in the force and the self taught lessons leaves them unmastered.

"You go first this morning" she snapped out, tying her hair half up half down with a band,

"Hey Rey is everything alright" Finn asked again, getting close to her

"Finn I'm fine” she bit out as Finn was surprised by the attitude, Rey took in a deep breath “Sorry. it is just.” she sighed “I have been having those dreams again"

Her eyes watered, Finn knew what she had sensed as he felt it too,

"Kylo is dead nothing is going to hurt you or is it your family"

Rey was uncertain of it but figured after the last interaction with Kylo months ago before the explosions she let go on the longley search. "They are gone Finn, just forget it." She paused her heart ached, "Take the lead"

Finn noticed her change of mood dropping the subject, “Okay”

A brief mediation took place, Rey wasn't so sure if she was doing the practices correctly. If she was a good teacher as she was merely a student herself. She could sense the jungle, the feeling of the blades of grass, she could see an animal in a burrow, feeling the world around her. Leia's words echoed in her head but then she opened her eyes, finding Finn struggling with the meditation.

"I don't see anything"

"It's not about what you see but what you feel Finn" she stood up brushing her pants off "try again"

Finn say up straight concentrating relaxing his mind, "think of it as a flow of a river"

He nodded, trying again, his mind clear calling onto the force. Again nothing, he sighed "let's move onto practice"

She opened one of the bags lifting up a training sphere,  "in Luke's journals these spheres were used for training. It will test your reflexes"

"You go first Finn"

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