Puzzle Piece

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Shouts came from below, X-fighters flew in the horizon,trucks grumbling on the pavement, as you watched them from a highpoint on the mountain. Marking a diagonal line across the already four with a ragged stone into the wall of the rock, knowing you couldn't hide forever. Being drained, tired, cold, and hungry, you had to join them some time soon, or possibly steal a X-wing and fly off to a different area, but there was a sense you belonged here. As if there was a missing piece to a puzzle and it is right underneath those hills. Hiking down the grassy slopes, heading to a river you found, not far from your camp, swatting away at the bugs buzzing around your head.

Kylo found the hidden resistance base, through an interrogation with Hux. To bypass the radars he flew in ten miles from the base leaving you to trek alone with only a blaster in hand and your backpack. Hiking through tall grass and steep sloped hills for hours making camp on higher ground. Hesitant to go exactly to base you hid out in the mountains regretting the choice you made. The hike down to the river bank was quick, but slipper nearly fell in mud.

Buyouncing in the deep center, using volcanic rock to scrub off dirt, sweat and grime, taking mud from the banks for a cleanser. Diving into the deep water to rinse off swimming back up, the early sun warmed you being taken in by the scent of the woods and nearby herbs. Paddling to shore, drying off and dressing in the last tank and leggings you had leaving the back pack and blaster behind as you traveled to the base.

The heat was thick, frizzing your hair and making you sticky as you hiked through the woodlands. Feeling the spikes of the bushes graze against your skin hearing the shouts grow closer as you made it to the edge of the gray pavement. Walking onto the base, keeping calm trying to locate the headquarters. No one noticed you as they were busy, pilots trotted in clusters, while other members walked past with no mind. You stuck out like a sore thumb in all black in the middle of the sea of tan and orange.

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"Excuse me," someone called out, stopping to look around, "Can I help you with anything?"

You found the voice as you saw it was a young woman with double blonde buns.

"I'm joining the Resistance" you told them

"Oh, may I get your name?" They asked, knowing you should fake your name,

"Y\F\N" you lied

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm lieutenant Kadley Connix, um let me take you inside" she told you,

You followed her, going into the hills, down concrete steps, the smell of earth filled your nose seeing branches and roots wrapped around the slate walls and beams. Going through the command area that was filled with workers, bustling, heading past into a small hallway with a door as Connix did quick rasps.

"General Organa" she called out

The name was familiar to you, General Organa or Princess Leia of Aldeerann who you heard stories from family and village people fighting with her during the wars. The door opened, feeling a sharp pain in your stomach, when she stood behind the door frame, it was the same older woman Kylo was supposed to shoot down. Being close to her you had a better look at her. She was short, her light brown graying hair wrapped in a twist crowing her head, her eyes a light brown. General Organa had a serious look on her face worried she wouldn't like you. Connix apologized "I'm sorry to bother you ma'am but this is Y\F\N"

Leia looked up at you, "No troubles. Please come inside"

Stepping into the office space, seeing the interior walls were exposed dark rocks, water streaming down from a water source above and ivies viening through. Her desk being a slab of raw tree wood, there was a swivel metal chair and a dark wood futon with a sage green cushion.

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