Forbidden Fruit

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The bath water soothed your aching body, limb by limb. The couple past days has been a nightmaric fever dream, time was unknown, every hour felt like a hallucination . Pulling yourself into the water until your head is submerged, feeling the air bubbles tingle the follicles of your scalp. Hearing the muffled sound of the water, the hum of the bathroom, the slight pops and movement. Forgetting where you were, not caring if you were too drowned. Opening your eyes underneath seeing the ceiling move in a flow, blurred motion knowing this is a new life, you are reborn as a whole new identity. Your old ways were cleansed away, you are now under Kylo's supervision. Forgetting that you need air, your lungs begging for oxygen as you pushed up breaking the surface, wiping away the water from your eyes.

Tightly wrapping a black towel around you, brushing your teeth, combing your mangled strands of hair. Unplugging the water watching it swirl down the drain, until it's final gurgle. Going out to the dark dimmed light bedroom room finding Kylo sitting on your bed, legs open hands clasped together. He looked up at you, making his hair fall back, the low lighting contouring his face making it appear more angular and ominous. Standing in the center of the room feeling slightly cold

"I'm going to set some rules down," he said sharply,brushing away his hair. "One you must put me first no one else. Two you must only obey me, no one else. Three you must respect my name and address me by commander, Kylo Ren, and/ or sir. Four you aren't allowed to give your body to others unless I say so. Five you must not give false accusations about me. Six you must tell me the truth do not lie to me. Seven whenever you make a promise to me you must keep them. And finally number eight, do not steal anything from me, that goes for my lightsaber, helmet, anything that is mine. Do you understand?"

Kylo looked at you squinting, you stood there processing the eight rules he had just mentioned

"Yes sir" your voice was small, Kylo re-adjusted himself clearing his throat

"Now I am allowing you freedom, you have an access card to leave and enter your room anytime. You also have a payment card to get things, but you only have a weekly allowance of 1000 units. You must keep track of your spendings. Do I make myself clear"

"Yes sir" you replied, with a slight head nod

"Two days from now I have scheduled an appointment for you, a physical examination and to have a procedure done."

Confused, you tilted your head "What kind of procedure?"

"Nothing major just having something implanted in you, to make sure no mistakes happen" an odd smile grew on Kylo's face
Still confused, softening your face


"Don't worry about it for now just lie down"

Going over to the bed, the sheets warming your skin pulling them over your legs, adjusting your head on the pillow. Kylo looked at you, at your bare skin, unlatching his jacket letting it fall on the floor hearing his lightsaber clank on the tiles. His hands moved to his shirt unzipping it as you watched with slight closed eyes seeing him peel off the material. Taking off his gloves and boots one by one, his bare back wide, pale with small birthmarks scattered. He turned around and saw his well defined chest, toned arms pretending to not look, your breath hitched. He moved the sheet from your legs, his fingers trailing up causing goosebumps to form. His lips kissed the skin, being so calm,

"Kylo" you whispered, your eyes moving to his direction, as you saw his face change,

"I'll try to be gentle" he said quietly

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