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{The studio replaced the storage room, Kylo figured since there was no use to have it, it could be larger practice room for the force and mild training}

Grunting, the wooden staff smacked against the pillar, practicing, figuring out how to work your double sided lightsaber well choreographed without the possibility of injury. The doors clanked open as Trudgen and Kuruk stepped in loudly making their intro, as you paused. Kylo gave them the approval to have them be revealed to you. 

Kuruk went first, pulling off his helmet, his hair dark in a low ponytail and a thick, shortened beard. Deep laugh lines creased his forehead, dimples in his skin from poor scaring, his complexion pale almost no pigmentation in his skin.For his eyes that had a deep purple undertone. Trudgen the youngest of the crew, his hair dark, coarse and short, high cheekbones, medium tone skin. He had a wide nose bridge, and full lips, a thin beard, contouring his face. Surprisingly he was the least scarred and the most handsome one yet.

Ready for practice,with Trudgen and  Kuruk, using the staff to block their hits, their larger mass and skills was no competition to yours, knocking you down. Jumping back up throwing more hits, squealing out your strikes as they found that to be more adorable than terrifying. Trudgen grasped the staff, snatching it away from you, snapping it with his hand. Throwing the wood pieces down as you watched defeated. Wanting to use the force, as the final call.

“C’mon princess, no mind tricks love” Trudgen smirked, knowing these were Kylo’s instructions, building a firm ground. Only left with hand combat, blocking their hits with your forearms tucked to your body.  Throwing punches, your hand contacting Kuruks shoulder hitting a metal piece cussing out while your knuckles throbbed, getting frustrated. Trudgen came too close to you ready to swipe you dodging his blows, kicking Trudgen hard in the crotch as he covered himself , not making much of a sound. Kuruk laughed hard, his heavy accent thicked over. Taking a seat on the floor, chugging water from a canteen exhausted. Wiping sweat from your brow.

"Giving up already young one" Kuruk stretched his back, popping  loudly.

"Only a break" you grumbled, taking another swig, the cold water cooling your internal body, Kuruk snickered, tsking

"No I sense dropping out"

Narrowing your eyes at him, being a smart ass,

"Why don't you go fuck yourself"

Trudgen called out  "Aye feisty, do we have to report that to Kylo" your eyes snapped to his direction judging him.  snapping back, cocking your head to the side.

“Report it then, see if I care"

Getting back up grabbing  another staff  from the rack by the wall, twirling it, overhead, jabbing at the air, Kuruk watched. He decided to go over to you, standing behind you as Trudgen observed

"Ap and Vi told us you gave them quite a show" he remarked, placing his hands on your hips, holding you from behind.

You rolled your eyes, spinning around thwacking Kuruk hard, on his back, breaking the second staff. Gaining strength,  force throwing him away from you as he hit a pillar. Snarling out, a defense mechanism, to show ground. Your eyes flicked to Trudgen, he raised his hands up not wanting to cause harm. Ending the practice breaking off to separate directions.


The day was long and slow, no meetings were scheduled, no ventures.  Taking place in his throne, checking recent updates on Zee, a few reported odd sightings out of her nature, spending more time with Phasma. Lifting his left leg up on the arm rest, knowing he couldn't intervene their relationship. Moving onto the next task of finding the lost wayfinder, re-calculating steps, the search became harder. What he thought would only take a couple of weeks may take months. Relaxing his back against the throne as Trudgen and Kuruk exited the elevator, walking up  to him  without you.

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