Drink the Honey from Your Hive

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A bonfire burned, the bright flames lapped upward to the galaxies,  the salty sea air dampened his stern face.  His eye twitched as he was in a deep thought,  he turned back into the moment hearing you laugh from a joke Cardo told.There was no specific reason for a celebration, but to just be lively, in the frigid night after a dreadful month. Crates of wine  bottles were found during a scavenging hunt. A sweet wine made from the berries and figs that grew around . The men feasted happily  and drank till they were drunk, breaking out into songs and laughter. Kylo knew their antics while he was with them in the near decade, when they were away from objectives and could be themselves.  The men danced around the fire that grew higher and higher, laughing boisterously, chanting to the unknown gods . Ushar sang a song in his native tongue, you didn’t know what he was singing as Kylo translated the words.  He sang a love song that ended in tragedy, understanding why from his life story. It was melodic, ethereal and overall ancient, he finished with a neutral look. The Knights cheered him as Kuruk encouraged Kylo to sing along to a song they sang together, he nodded no.  Kuruk kept persuading him as Kylo finally gave in, he stood up from the stone, standing beside Kuruk and Trudgen. Cardo and Ushar clapped a beat as Kuruk started the ballad. He watched you face the shadows and light flickering as he could see you were uncertain.

Kylo joined in and he sang low, bringing you up to dance with him as the Knights wanted you to join. You jumped up dancing around with Kylo as he was tipsy and lucid. Your feet sprang in the grass as you twirled carrying on with the song. The blaze roared as the night grew until the moon was high over the mountains.


The night died down, the men stumbled back to their home, while a few  were still sitting out around the dying bonfire. Kylo walked you back to his cottage, as he was ready to call in the night. Halfway up the hill,  You told him you should gather more blankets from your cottage to be warmer. Kylo told you to not take long kissing you, going down the path being startled by pheasant squawking in a brush. Your cottage sat dark and lonesome, entering the door way. 


The cottage was dark except for the study room in the near back, a lantern was on, as you remembered all lights were off to preserve energy before the bonfire. There was nothing in the room, except for the book, a few bottles, lightsabers and the meditation mat.   The sound of soft whispers and hums approached, audible it could come from  either from a radio but there were none. The light cut off at the grid must have been overused. The whispers stopped dead silent. Standing alone in the dark sensing something ominous that made your skin crawl. As if you weren't alone in the cottage, feeling eyes pierce through you. You turned away , entering your sleep area feeling the eyes roll to your direction. You wanted to leave, to be with Kylo, quickly  rolling up the thick blankets into bundles, the presence was still there lurking. 

The temperature dropped, spotting Vicrul and Trudgen sitting out cracking jokes.  Trailing up to Kylo's cottage, entering into the dark, figuring the entire grid had been affected. You stood in the doorway of his sleeping area. Candles were lit,  flickering in glass containers, he was naked back perched up against the sand colored wall. Quiet the scene as he is aroused and full, with a bottle in his hand. By now the feeling faded away, now secure, you set down the blankets, undressing. Snuggling against his warm body, he took a swig  passing the bottle. You swung back the bottle of  wine that tastes like sweet juice without telling him what you had experienced. The bottle became empty so quickly, buzzed from the juice. Kylo was tipsy, nipping your neck as his teeth grazed over.  It only has been a few days since the first meeting, and he needs you more than ever. 

It started with a kiss, slow, his hands warm, and firm massaging your thighs and breasts. He moaned, as your fingers squeezed his thighs feeling his body move onto you, his knee pushing in between your thighs to open you.  He sucked onto your neck marking who you belonged to,

Under His WatchOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora