Teacher's Pet

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Recuperating the next day, trying to not be on your foot for too long, resting the aching muscles. Angela came by, inspecting to see if anything new came up in the ankle injury. After taking a look,  mentioning there is some slight tenderness and bruising around the area, nothing too serious. Doing more close checks on the scratches for possible infections, there were no signs and the wounds were healing. Spending some time doing physical therapy stretching out the sore muscles. Applying a cream to decrease the pain and to try to not add weight to the injury.

Kylo came home after checking on the  weapon supply  in a somewhat good mood, not really picking on him on why. He cooked dinner while you helped chop,providing ingredients, and having small talk. He had his eyes on you, being playful, smacking your butt when you walked back to the bedroom. You already can sense when he is being playful he wants you. 


Catching up with reading in bed resting, your foot on stacked pillows, doing another assignment, your device buzzed, vibrating the sheets.  Putting  the pen in your mouth, turning over the device. A message was sent from Kylo,

Come to my office

What now

Don't play smart


You have five minutes

You thought it was odd for him, why didn't he walk to where you were since his office was across the hallway. The doors to the office open Kylo sat in his chair in front of his desk grading a sheet. 

"Have a seat Y/N" he didn't look up to you continuing the rapid flicks with a red ink pen on the paper.

"Okay, Kylo" you were confused still he always come to you to talk, sitting down in the chair, Kylo had a sour look on his face puckering out his lips

"I believe I go by Sir Ren" he corrected you, putting the pen down leaning back 

"Sorry sir" you apologized to him, he breathed out hard, pushing the paper across the table, to you being aware of the red marks, scribbled across. Concerned. He placed his hand over his nose, staring hard at the paper. He didn't speak for a few seconds, 

"Y/N your behavior is unacceptable and scores are low. If you want to continue my teachings you have to do better or I will drop you" he told you, his voice was serious as if he was genuinely mad at you 

You blinked trying to hold back the feeling Kylo lied to you about the fact you were doing well. Your chest became heavy, Kylo sent assurance it is a game not realistic. Gaining trust playing along,

"I'm sorry sir, I will try harder next time" your voice fell small making a valuable excuse, not breaking out of character

"Try" he lift up his right brow, as you sat thinking of a correct  response 

"Do better" you replied, biting your lip making your eye big and round, he narrowed his eyes with a small smile

"Good Girl"

You thought the conversation ended getting up from your chair

"Wait!"he stopped you not wanting the game to end, " you can do something, extracurricular activities to boost your grade" he thought

"Like what sir?" You asked chewing on your lip,  furrowing your brows, 

"You have  an option to write a five thousand word essay, by hand about a proposing thesis." He paused as you were ready to answer opening your mouth as he spat out  "Or fuck me." he opted, he rested his fore fingers on his temple purposely looking stress "Your choice"

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