The Game

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Jolting awake, your body pressed against a metal grate in an unfamiliar section of the ship, becoming annoyed by Kylo's blackening out antics. Your vision was glazed over, your head felt wobbly sitting upright wondering...where you were? How did you get here? Your surroundings were nothing but endless grated walkways, odd yellow lighting,  looking around noticing the walkway is narrow, your body barely holding on and looking down was a mistake. There was nothing but endless walkways parreling and intersecting together into a bottomless pit, lifting your head back up panting by the fear of falling. Your foot nudged something, checking to see what it was, a blaster tied to your ankle. The device vibrated against your leg, pulling it out of your pant pocket reading a message from Kylo.

“Tick Tock”

The time on the little line above the screen read 00:25, carefully getting up as the walkway jiggled, strapping the blaster into a hoister on your belt, looking upwards seeing the same exact endless thing. You tried to count the walkways to estimate how many levels there were, but there were at least hundreds. Going through your device to see where you were located only for a no signal screen to pop up.

 “No time to waste” you said to yourself

Your steps echoed on the walkway gripping onto the metal rod railings moving at a quick but cautious pace. Trying to not look down and even up, never in your life were you afraid of heights until now. The walkway stretched on forever, still feeling frazzled, until up ahead you could see a set of stairs that climbed up. The steps were hazardous, short footed, gaps in the middle, as you climbed the metal shooked and popped, creaking as if they would break any minute.

How did Kylo manage to bring you down here without falling or even have you accidentally slipping off of him? Or did he use some mind trick to bring you down here.

Feeling hopeless and exhausted for what seems that you were going up for miles, until spotting a metal door, sighing with relief. Turning the metal wheel popping open the metal door, finding yourself in a closet sized room full of monitors that beeped. Checking the time, now it was 1:10, typing to Kylo “what the fuck man” 

heading out of the door into a corridor.  Opening the maps application to see if there now was a signal, with relief there is. Finding you are located ten levels from your room. Typing in where you need to go, but error, walking down the corridor seeing a worker in a dark First Order uniform standing by a corner, observing his data pad.

 “Excuse me?” you asked,

“Yes” the man looked up 

“I am trying to locate Kylo Ren's quarters” you told him forgetting the timen it was off active hours, the worker gave you a strange look.

“Um- I don’t believe I  know where he resides” he explained “but you can find him close to the head section of the ship, however he may not be alert at this time”

“Oh,well, thank you anyways” 

He still gave you a funny look,

Moving away walking down another corridor, locating the head section of the ship, finding the location on the map. The device vibrated, another message from Kylo 

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