Disconnected I

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Power filled Kylo's veins since the inauguration. Sitting on his throne holding raw power in his right hand. And on his left he held wealth and beauty . Were as on the crown of his head laid plans of lust, dominance, and control. He is the Supreme Leader. Kneel before him.


Booms ruptured in the distance, a battle was yet to be performed hearing the alarm bells echoing. Quickly lacing up your boots, fumbling with the loops and zipper, grunting in frustration during the process. Tying your hair back, grabbing your blaster from the rack, slotting it into the shaft around your waist. Jogging out of the apartment huffing, trying to catch up with Kylo in time. Catching up to Kylo in the main lobby as he stood waiting to board the elevators calling out to him.
He let out a sigh, turning around his face blankly serious
"Y/N, go to the throne room, stay with the knights" he ordered pointing a finger at you.
"No" you said firmly, stamping your foot down making a firm ground "I am not"
Kylo raised his brow, not in the mood to tame your bratty self
"Y/N stay" he turned back around swiping the card for the elevator.
"Kylo Ren" you belted, he faced you again not enjoying the sound of his full name "if I'm going to know how battles work. I must be in the field" you continued giving a proper reasoning. Kylo rolled his eyes, while pressing his lips together seeing his fists ball up, letting out a huff.
"Fine" he said with bitter annoyance

You smiled with please, you loved working your way around him, riding in the elevator feeling fearful but having a sense of bravery. Kylo stood next to you not looking at you as he glanced at the dots turning off while passing each level. Your eyes scanned around remembering that one time as a small smile formed on the corner of your lips. Reaching for Kylo's hand only for it to brush against one another. He inhaled deeply,

"You only will be able to sit, you will not take control of anything" he told you
"I un-"
Cutting you off "That includes commanding me on my actions"
"I understand - Commander" you replied, trying again to reach for him only for the doors to open.

Racing to the ports to board Kylo's TIE fighter. Kuruk and Ushar met up with both of you following behind, while A'pleck and Vicrul stood in front. Trudgen and Cardo stood on the sides enclosing you as Kylo spoke to them on what they should do. The walkways were bustling trying to keep up, accidentally tripping the heel of Kylo's boot. Growing more annoyed but kept at bay. Reaching base, the TIE Silencer sat in the center of the port, remembering the design of the sleek fighter, the red geometrical shields, and the two prong-like blasters pointing outward. General Hux was present guarded by two stormtroopers , he looked a bit unkept as if he already had a rough morning. Kylo stepped off to the side as Hux explained his procedure, a fleet of other pilots will tail him. Turning away facing out watching some of the battle seeing explosions and blasters firing feeling nervous. Kylo was the first to enter, taking a seat in the pilot chair, preparing for takeoff. starting up the engines, flipping up switches, activating the computer on, feeling the machine purr alive. The walkway whirred up, he explained there is an emergency passenger seat against a metal frame. finding the latch letting a the passenger seat although it appeared to be a poor design. The seat was small and the straps were thin to be considered marked approval for safety.

"Are you going to buckle up" he said with an snarky attitude

"Sorry, sir"

Sitting down, clicking the straps together, the marshalls guiding, making ways for take off. Kylo pulled on the metal yokes of the aircraft pushed back by the speed, and g-force as he flew out. While four flew out trailing behind, TIE fighters were already in the middle of combat shooting at the resistance Star Fighters. Green and red lasers sniping past taking down transport aircraft and TIEs. Explosions surrounding the entire spacecraft.

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